PreciousMetalshipping (Pokémon)

265 18 24

Suggested by: Peanutsfan1.



I wanna cry. Just seeing this ship name makes me cry.




Sooooo...PreciousMetalshipping. Gold x Silver.

Okay, guys. This is like the third manga ship I'm rating, but it's just now that I'll put this out there.

It has been MORE THAN A YEAR since I've read the Adventures manga, and I've only read until Diamond and Pearl.

But hey, I've read GSC, but not HGSS.

And I say HGSS are my favorite Pokemon games. ALRIGHT.

This is PreciousMetal, so it's focused on the manga.

I mean...Huntershipping is the game equivalent, but I don't see people talk about that.

Again, very strict with ship names. But hey, feel free to call a ship whatever you want.


I love their dynamic. Gold is like "I'm gonna catch that Silver."

And daaaamn.

They work well together.


Like..."I don't want the cops to catch this boy. I'mma get dat booty myself."

I honestly have to do some research here. I need to remember why I'm so trash about this ship.

There was that time when Silver tried to save Gold, but he couldn't. He was very upset about that.


Oh...and when Silver with the others got turned into stone, Gold approached Silver and promised that he will get them out of there.


That was honestly more romantic than Red carrying Yellow.

Guys. The moments of fangirling flashed before me. I knew I fangirled when I read those moments before.

This is what happens when you only read through things once.

And I also started remembering being openly trash about this ship when talking a friend of mine who read the manga too.

She's like, "I do admit that Gold and Silver are cute together, but I cannot get myself to ship them. I'm down to ship same sex ships, but not with Pokemon."

And I'm like, "Bish what." And I show off my notebook cover with PreciousMetal and Originalshipping pics on it.

Hey...I was like her when I started as a fanfic writer, but things have changed.

I was looking for a tweet talking about something she called me, but apparently I never actually tweeted it. It's like those things that I wanna tweet, but then I changed my mind. It was something she said around May 2017.

Basically, she called me "Queen of Yaoi" or something. It's because of my gay Pokemon ships plus Yuri!!! On Ice.

And I'm like...not really.

She should talk to my other friend. They know each other by face, but they're not close. Anyway...that other friend of mine IS the Queen of Yaoi. She's a fujoshi. I'm not.


I give this ship a solid 100 Gold and Silver cartridges out of a 100. GOOD SHIP, BRUH.

Oh wait...almost forgot that this shit was in my reviewers...

And here is the pic of my metallic pens that i shared a long time ago

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And here is the pic of my metallic pens that i shared a long time ago

And here is the pic of my metallic pens that i shared a long time ago

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