Amourshipping (Pokémon)

472 19 76

Suggested by: sudowoodoisalegend.



W E L P.

So far, my ratings for ships have been so positive.

But now...










Eh. I'm neutral.

I ain't a hater of this ship, to be honest!

Not all Pokeshippers have to hate Serena and Amourshipping.

Okay, okay, okay.

I will be completely honest with you guys.

This was like my back-up ship for Ash back when I started writing fanfics.

I meeeeeeean I'm not smol Elemeno anymore. I don't get triggered by things that go against Pokeshipping.

But I hate to admit this, but the reason why I'm not really a fan of this ship anymore is because of some of the shippers.

Some just go OVERBOARD. It's not really with me, but with the stories that other writers have shared.

What some of them were doing was not cool, man.

I mean, I've seen some toxic people like that with other ships too. If they are, I just don't follow them at all.

You can hate a ship or a character, but you should never force someone to change their opinions. Let them have fun with their own ship.


I'm okay with Serena having a crush on Ash. I laughed at those hints.

I found it weird that Serena had to be like, "OMG. That cute boy from summer camp is in Kalos. OMG. OMG. I needs to leave now."

That part was questionable, but I'm glad there's still character development with her.

She found her dreams, and she wants to improve on it. That's why she went to Hoenn after Kalos.

And you know what, Serena. I AM PROUD OF YOU, GIRL. You gotta focus on that dream of yours!

And yet there are those who got so pissed that Serena wasn't gonna travel with Ash to Alola. I think they're chill with that now, but idk. The Amourshippers that I follow never seemed to make a big deal about that in the first place. Just those people who commented on the Amour videos of the guy who makes the AMVs and cracks (PRB12?).




Is this canon?

Is this canon?

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Is this canon?

And yet some people say that the airport kiss makes things canon?

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And yet some people say that the airport kiss makes things canon?


A kiss does NOT make things automatically canon, guys.


Yeah...I know...that date and the fucking ribbon. So adorbs. May and Ash share a contest ribbon too, ya know.

And there was the dance? I feel like some people were freaking out about them dancing.

But like...GEEKCHIC DANCED TOO, right?!

I should just shut up now.

Back to the airport scene.

Look at how shooketh the others are

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Look at how shooketh the others are.

Bonnie cannot un-see what she saw.


I give this ship a decent 6.5 out of 10. It was really just 6, but then Serena's escalator skills is the extra 0.5.

Amazing how you easily walked up the escalator that was going down.

But yeah. I thought Serena's crush on Ash was alright. It was somewhat relatable.

It's a good ship, I admit, but I still don't ship it.

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