Aya x Chisato / Aya x Eve

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Ya know...I was gonna save this for the next days, but f that. Let's just get this one over with since this the last ship I owe you guys that aren't character x yourself OR character x OC.



Suggested by: StrangeWeirdFangurl

I just put both ships in one since my explanations aren't that long anyway.

And also, they both include Aya Maruyama aka Queen of Shuwa.


Aya x Chisato


Alexa, play Yura-Yura-Ring-Dong Dance.


Finally getting to the PasuPare.










Ahem ahem









Alexa didn't play Yura-Yura for me, so I sang Shuwarin Dreamin.


Yura, yura, yura, yura, ring dong



Aya and Chisato didn't really get along that well. Ya know, they're kinda opposites. Yeeeah.

Aya believes that effort will take you places. Ya know, that hard work doe. And then, there's Chisato who be crushing all of that by saying that hard work alone won't get her anywhere.

And the rainy rain rain. Aya still trying her best for the PasuPare redemption. Chisato was confuzzles, but then became pretty touched by it that she helped Aya.



But still. Kinda opposites, which honestly helps this ship.

Aya loves the attention. She likes being noticed. She looks out for comments about herself. She messes up quite a lot.

Chisato tries to shy away from the spotlight, especially being a former child actress (though her image still matters to her...at least back in their beginnings). She's pretty composed.

And one day, Aya would love to be as busy as Chisato. Lol.

But ya know. They have their similarities too. They both like beauty stuff. They know the stuff you have to share to fans as an idol.

Ya know, how to be idol-like.

So yeah. I'll give them 8 out of 10. Actually, maybe 8.5 or 9 shuwa shuwas. I really like them as a pair, but then there's also Kaoru x Chisato that I also really like. I also like their dynamic tho.


Aya x Eve


I honestly haven't heard much buzz about this ship. But ya know, this is still aight.

I actually didn't have much material for this one, but then I unlocked level 5 of Eve's keyboard. In the conversation that you unlocked, Aya was like, "You look so cute when you play, Eve-chan!"

Yay. Material.

But ya know. Eve is very encouraging. Ya know, her belief in bushido. She always tells Aya to never give up!


In the Aya x Chisato chapter, I did mention that their similarities include the knowledge of how to be like an idol. And well, Eve doesn't really show that?

Eve likes sharing her bushido stories in their blog. Aya and Chisato be like, "that's not very idol-like."

But ya know, that's the charm of Eve. The belief in bushido.


Ya know, as frens and bandmates, I give this 10 out of 10 shuwa shuwas.

But then, as something more, idk. Maybe 6 out of 10 shuwa shuwas.







GUYS. I don't owe anyone any actual character x character ship (at least as far as I'm aware)


Maybe some OC ships, character x yourself, or character x OC ships would be nice so that I can get over the other shipping opinions that I still owe some people. I'll just squeeze them together in one fun chapter.

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