DiamondShipping (Pokemon)

87 12 4

Suggested by: Nikki_Is_Kawaii.


Last time, we were like, "Who is Ash's father?"

Wait...that was in this book, right? Uh...yeah. I think Eldershipping.


According to Pokemon Live, Delia and Giovanni dated at some point. Oh shit fam,

Of course, that's Pokemon Live. That thing isn't really canon.

I meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean it could be?

It's the Pokemon Live canon. It's not anime canon.

You know, like how the M20 (and soon M21) canon is different from the actual anime.


Honestly, I don't really like this ship that much. I mean, it's okay.

It's gonna be way too dramatic if Giovanni is Ash's father. Holy crap.

That would make Ash and Silver brothers...well...maybe half-brothers.

I mean, just because they dated doesn't mean that Giovanni is the father.

It could still be...uh...whoever he is.


Imagine if this were the case in the games.

Like Red's (or Leaf's) father is actually Giovanni. Huh...

You just took down your own father's criminal syndicate. Good job.

That's probably not the case, though.

I feel like I've seen shit like that in a movie or a show...I just forgot which one.

ANYWAY...I give this ship a decent 5 evil teams out of 10.

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