Negaishipping (Pokémon)

100 13 9

Suggested by: @GamerAzialle

Oh boy oh boy oh boy.


I feel like this is the most unpopular among the “Ash x female companions minus Bonnie” ships. I don’t really get why.

I mean...yeah...Iris does call Ash a little kid too. But like...this ship isn’t that bad.

I don’t ship this, but it’s not a bad ship. This is in the same level as Pearlshipping for me...well kinda.

The sad thing here is that I’ve super terrible comments about this ship that were just downright offensive and disrespectful.

Like what I said before, it’s okay to dislike something. But again, do not ruin the fun of others.


Sure, I don’t ship Negaishipping, but I don’t hate it. If someone tells me “Elemeno, I love this ship.” I would be like, more power to you and have fun shipping!

Honestly, if you get really offended by the things I say about a ship, I don’t know how you’ll be able to deal with those who are actually really offensive. looks like none of the ships in Pokemon are bound to be canon anyway. As writers, we have different perspectives. That’s the beauty of this whole thing.

Imagine this. What if all ice cream were just vanilla flavored? What if you had no other options? Won’t that be really sad?

Of course, they are people whose favorite is vanilla, but how about the others?

Variety is the spice of life.

I don’t know why I went on a rant like that. It just happens, okay.

Just...stop shitting on other ships that go against yours. You can hate, but don’t ruin it for others.


However, personally, this gets know what...this gets 6 apples out of 10. I know I used apples back in Wishfulshipping, but whenever I see Iris, I always think of apples.

It’s because her Emolga loves apples.

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