Yandere Dev x Midori

152 12 18

Suggested by: StrangeWeirdFangurl.

For some reason, I almost wrote "Suggested by: Midori Gurinuuuuu"

Not because Lavender reminds me of Midori. It just happened.


Midori: Yandere Dev! Yandere Dev!

I'm not Yandere Dev, Midori.

Anyway...i believe Yandere Dev created Midori as a representation of the fans who won't stop spamming his e-mail with questions.

So in a way...it's like shipping those people with Yandere Dev.

Okay okay.

I'm honestly not that into the ship.

I'd say that it's weird to ship a real person with a fictional character, but then that would make me a fucking hypocrite.

Besides, Yandere Dev has Mai Waifu.

But still...


And wasn't there a video where Yandere Dev showed that there are multiple Midori clones?

Idk fam.

I'm just gonna be pretty chill with this ship. i'll give it 6 Gurinuuus out of 10.

Hmm...has anyone ever thought of Midori x Jay from the Kubz Scouts?

Naaaaaah. I think i'd rather ship Midori with Yandere Dev.

It's everyone's favorite guinea pig, Midori Gurinuuuuuuuu


And that's all the requests lmao.


Requests are closed for now.

They're opened again once I publish the next part.

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