Lilly's OC ships but like not the main ships tho

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All from TrayC_Child_of_Mine

Tracey x Ember

Well, Ember doesn't actually have a crush on Tracey and vice versa.

But like, why would Ember go for the guy her cousin likes? (Oh shit is that spoilers? Nah. SketchHowlit was like the first ship I rated in this gosh darn book)

Huh. That shit actually could happen in real life.

But ya know. Ember also likes someone else.

As a romantic ship, I'll give this 4 out of 10 sketchpads on fire.

As a BROTP, I guess 8 out of 10 sketchpads on fire.

Sketchpad is on fiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Lmao throwback to Pokemon Shipping A-Z.

Yo...I should make random ass ship names for these random ships.


This is gonna be...SketchOnFireShipping or BurningSketchesShipping or ArtFireShipping.

Wait...idk if Lilly actually gave them ship names already lol. OH WELL.


Teari x Alive


Lilly's current main OC and Lilly's former main OC.

To be honest, I haven't really read the books with Alive in it, but there is one thing I know.

Alive is dead.

Lmao. Except when we have to add her in our Hunger Games Simulators or what not.

Yes. We bring her back to life just to let her die again.


I'll give this...maybe like 2 out of 10 dead Alives.


Actually, Teari could be like Alive's reincarnation. Idk fam.

Ship name...hmmm...

I was thinking DeadOrAliveShipping, but Teari is the one alive and not Alive.

Or you know...LillyOCShipping. IDK FAM.


Brock x Rose


Idk who to ship with Rose, but I know it shouldn't be Brock.

Now, we know Brock as a super flirt, but in Lilly's fanfic universe, Brock falls in love with a particular individual who will make him stop his flirtatious ways...

And that person ain't Rose.


But hey...I will be honest, I haven't read all of Lilly's books so maybe there are hidden stuff about this ship. Who knows?

Lmao no spoilers pls.

I'll give this...3 out of 10 rocky roses...what.

As for the ship name...

Hmm...RockyRosesShipping or BroseShipping.



That's it for now. Lilly actually suggested one more ship, but I will save that in the future Wattpad authors x Pokemon characters chapter.


If there are other Wattpad authors x Pokemon character ships that you wanna recommend, feel free to comment.

But other than those types of ships, I will close suggestions for now.

Lol why was this shorter than usual. Oh well.

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