
83 14 27

Suggested by: GamerAzialle.


Allow me to introduce my special guest, Gary Oak.

Gary: I thought we're on Christmas Break now.

Well...we got a special request for you to be here.

Gary: Soooo...

We have Bangthewangshipping.

Which is the ship between Gary, his left hand and his right hand.

Alrighty then. Allow me to open my reference.

also known as Extremityshipping.

I guess Clapshipping counts as well. It's the ship between the hands minus Gary.

Maybe simply just Handshipping. It can be Gary x his left hand, Gary x his right hand, Gary x his left hand x right hand.

Manosshipping. Gary x his left hand OR Gary x his right hand

OtherHandshipping. Gary x his left hand.




Gary: Stop.




Gary: Are you done?

I might have missed some, but yes, those are all ships for Gary and his hands.

I don't know why there are a lot of ships for this.


Together forever unless dark shit happens.

Obviously we don't want that dark shit to happen.

As to what the normal male activity is, you depends on your interpretation.

They probably lift a lot. I don't wanna sound sexist. Females do some lifting too.

As to what monkey he is slapping, again...depends on interpretation.

Gary: I do not slap monkeys.

But what kind of monkey?


But yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah.

I don't remember if I mentioned this or not. I'd check the book again, but I'm too lazy.

But yeeeeeah. While I was looking for some cardcast decks to add for Cards Against Humanity, I found a card there that in the lines of "aggressively shipping Gary with his hands".

That means that there are people who are down to ship this ship.

And you know what.

Gary: No.

I think I'll ship this too. It's not like I have any major ships for Gary.

Gary: BUT

I don't mind this, honestly. It's for lolz.

Again...most of the ship names really depends on interpretation.

A lot of things in life depends on interpretation.

I'll give this 96 hands out of 96.

What Gary x hands ship name do you prefer?

And what does Gary do on a Saturday night?

Gary: Sleeping?

Idk fam.

Maybe this should become DependsOnTheInterpretationShipping.

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