ChickNRoseShipping (Pokemon)

56 12 11

Suggested by: GamerAzialle.



Now...I know I mentioned this is in one of the previous shipping books, but you know...


Stop it, Elemeno.

Okay. Try guessing which Pokemon are involved in this ship.




Eh. Whatever.

Torchic and Roselia.


Chick N Rose.


I know, it's quite a weird ship. I wonder if there are actually people who ship this one.

If you do, then more power to you, buddy!

I believe I mentioned it in the previous books that it is possible that this could be Contestshipping related, although it wasn't specified in the reference.

And honestly, I don't think I've seen fanfics that had this ship, so yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah.

So yeah.

When talking about Contestshipping, Roselia is now a Roserade and Torchic is now Blaziken. SO YEAH. Idk if this ship could still be taken in a Contestshippy context.

Let's try.

In contests...hmmm...

The two Pokemon actually saw each other in the episode "Now That's Flower Power" aka Drew's debut episode. I feel like it was the only time the two Pokemon were seen together in their base form. Well...base form at that time because Budew didn't exist in Gen 3.

However, as a Combusken, it had battles against Drew's Roselia, particularly in their Hoenn Grand Festival battle and the exhibition battle in the episode "The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing".

These two are also the first Pokemon of their respective trainers, so I guess that's something.

Huh...I feel like you'd only ship this if you're that crazy about Contestshipping. You're in that level where all their Pokemon must be shipped together.

But hey, I don't want to put anyone in a box. Feel free to ship whatever you want.

I was gonna say that it would make more sense (typing and egg groups wise) to pair up Drew's Roserade with May's Venusaur. But then...ya was seen that May's then Bulbasaur had some feelsies feels for Ash's Bulbasaur.


Wow. Ash's Bulbasaur is still a Bulbasaur. I mean, it refused to evolve. 

And you know...maybe it was just a fling thing idk. I believe May's Bulbasaur actually stayed with Ash's Bulbasaur and Prof. Oak during the Battle Frontier episodes.


Maybe we shouldn't just mess with that.


Let's try taking that out of the Contestshipping context...



I got nothing.

I mean, I had them at some point. Sure. I have two Blaziken (the speed boost one from the event in XY and my starter in AS). I have four Roserade. Yeah.

I am a Contestshipper, but I wouldn't really go as far as to shipping Torchic and Roselia together. I don't see the need to ship everyone with each other. Besides, May has much more Pokemon compared to Drew.

Good because if Drew had more Pokemon, my current challenge of getting the shinified Drew Pokemon will be much more difficult.


If you do ship, then you do you. I won't stop you.

However, I personally will just give this a 4 out of 10. It just doesn't tickle my fancy, ya know.


I got A LOT of Pokemon ships that I still need to rate.

Oh wait...the next one is a bit...different. It's got a lot of green eyes. two pairs of green eyes. Like one of them has green irises. The other one has actual green eyes.


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