Monika x Saeyoung

68 7 6

Suggested by: GamerAzialle.

okay what



i mean, they both know how to hack and shit but...

not feeling it

Monika as in DDLC Monika

Saeyoung in Mystic Messenger (but omg spoilers if I tell you exactly who he is)



Saeyoung's been through much, and maybe we put Monika in the picture?

I mean, unless we're talking about Monika without the lit club presidency, then maybe?

Wow lit club. must be very lit.

And how old is Monika? The wiki says she's already 18, but is she really?

I mean, Saeyoung is 21 internationally, 22 in Korea.

So yeeeeah.

but honestly not feeling it.

2017 Elemeno suddenly chimes in and gives dirty looks at Monika.


Jk jk jk

I'll give this... 3 or 4 out of 10.



suggestions are closed now bai

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