The Drug In Me-Ronnie Radke Falling In Reverse

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**** Future me: I am so cringing when I think of the beginning of this, I honestly think it's horrible but my writing has improved so I hope you give it a chance! Slowly editing****

I was fifteen.

It started with voices.

Half asleep, I hadn't paid much mind to them.

That is, until I made out a few words.

Someone had been pleading for another to stop.

Having awakened a bit from the noise, I realized it was my sister pleading.

Though the next events ended up getting me arrested, had I the chance to do it over, I would've responded the same way.

I had immediately shot out of bed, knowing that it had something to do with Ashley's ex boyfriend, Pat.

Pat had been visiting so that he could see their Ashley's son, Owen, who was unfortunate enough to be Pat's child.

I had rushed down the stairs, to see a drunk Pat sitting on a crying Ashley, with one hand over her mouth while his other hand was attempting to take off her shirt.

I had screamed in repulsed rage, and lunged at him. I was blinded by anger, so they say.

I don't regret it. I regret what happened after, but not this.

I pulled him off my sister and he looked at me angrily. His fist swung at my face, and even though he was slow in his drunken state, I still didn't avoid it in time, and his fist hit my face with a painful thud.

I cringed at my already sore eye, knowing it was going to hurt like a bitch. Then, before I even registered my movement, my fist had collided with his face.

He was knocked to the ground, and I leaned over him to hit his jaw. Again, and again, I punched him. Over and over.

Eventually he stopped struggling, and I paused just long enough to realize that he had passed out.

I had dragged him to the door and rolled him onto the front porch, and then locked the door behind him.

I'd stuck the car keys between the glass door and the actual door to the house so that when he woke up he could get them and then get the fuck away from here.

My sister had been crying hysterically, staring at me. I took her into my arms and pulled her off the couch.

"Hey hey, it's okay, I'll never let him hurt you, never" I said to her, and I had rubbed her back and held her close.

I had let her sleep with me, and she had held me so tightly, as if she had thought she could hide from the world if she got close enough to me.

I had fell into a very light sleep, and kept my ears alert to make sure Pat wouldn't try to get back in the house.

The next morning, I'd woken up alone.

I'd gone through my usual routine before I went downstairs.

That's when usual turned to abnormal.

Armed cops had been standing in the kitchen, brutally questioning my sister, who was crying too much to say much of anything.

I'd immediately gone to her side and pulled her to me, glaring at the apathetic cops. They glared right back at me, before stepping up, and each of them took one of my arms in a painful hold.

"Ryker, you're under arrest for charges of beating Pat Seer. You have the right......." They had roughly yelled my rights to me. Even now, I wonder how anyone could understand them when they were barking like a couple of mad dogs.

I hadn't felt like I had rights, not with how they had treated me.

My friend had always joked that I would end up in prison.

I just never thought that it would actually happen.

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