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[3rd pov]

Sasha swallowed hard and she bit her lip, she held back tears before she ran despite everyone telling her no she ran in.

There it was the picture of Her and her mom, the only thing she loved more than anything.

"Fuck"she mumbled coughing up smoke and she made it to the door before everything went black.

<Sasha pov>
I opened my eyes and light blinded me, I put my hand on my head and saw a wrap, I shook my head and then it all came back and I started crying.

"Why?" I asked myself wiping my tears and sitting up, everything was gone in a blink of a eye. There I was again standing next to Toni when we bought the house, Sweet Pea and I dancing, Archie and I's tattoo, years were spent there memories were engraved in the walls of the home and now they're gone.

A few hours later I was let out of the hospital and I went to pop's and sat in a booth.

"Sasha are you okay?" I heard Archie say touching my arm as I yank it away.

"Am I okay!?" I stood up pushing the plate I had. "Everything I knew and loved was in that home! Everything Archie, what was left of my mom burnt down with that home, memories, the last thing I had of Sweet Pea was in that house! How do you think I feel Archie" I yelled pushing past Archie and walking to the door.

"Sasha... c'mon you know...

"Didn't mean in that way, then what way did you Archie, honestly Archie I think we need a break, everything is going wrong and I'm just not happy anymore, I'm sorry Archie we need a break, please don't talk to me until I'm ready." I said rushing out and walking away.

"I'm done, I'm leaving I need a break. From Riverdale from everyone from everything."

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