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Little a/n I'm really thinking of ending this book no one reads the new chapters that I write even though I put forth a lot of effort to find time to write these chapters and then to have no one vote on them or read them disappoints me because I thought this was my one book that was going some where but whatever I have a bomb ending so this is the second to last chapter.

"Please don't go Please don't go oh no
I think of you whenever I'm alone So please don't go" Sasha finished the song as she looked at Archie, her eyes were puffy and red from the days of crying here next to Fred.

"Mr.Andrews can I talk to you" the young female nurse said and just by the expression on her face pained Sasha.

"Sasha stay here please" Fred commanded nicely as She just nodded and Fred walked out with the nurse.

Fred came back in and sat next to Sasha and he took her hands in his and looked at her sadly.

"Sasha listen to me, the nurse was saying that Archie is starting to get really expensive...

"Fred if this is about money Cheryl will be happy to help" Sasha cried going to grab her dead phone but Fred grabbed her again and turned her to face him.

"No. Sasha he's not getting better, I'm sorry I know you loved him but the doctor said that he's not showing improvement." Fred sternly remarked holding back his own tears, Sasha took her arms away looked down.

"Fred please no" Sasha cried as Fred looked away pained, he didn't want to do this either, I mean it was his son and when Fred looked up Sasha was gone.

Sasha looked at the payphone in the hallway and asked this male nurse for a quarter to pay and he feeling sorry for her handed her a quarter. She dialed the number quick and it went to voicemail.

"Leave a message after the beep" Sasha waited for the beep and she took a deep breath in and let it out as the beep went off.

"Hey dad I'm really need you right now, I'm going through some stuff and I just need you" Sasha cried as she hung up and she slid down the wall and put her head in her knees and just started sobbing, but no noise came out just short breaths.

"Hey Sasha, Fred said we would find you here can we talk? Sasha looked up and through her blurry vision she saw FP and the gang.

"Sure FP" Sasha said as Toni helped Sasha to her feet and Betty took her hand and they all walked to the Southside and took a seat at a table in the bar.

"Sasha listen you can't just be sad all the time, we all love you okay" FP said and all of a sudden Sasha got super mad and stood up.

"Listen FP if you all loved me if these 'serpents' really stuck by one another's side then one wouldn't of 1. Sent me a death threat 2. Tried to shoot me miss and shoot my boyfriend who is about to get the plug pulled okay! So no, no you all don't love me!" Sasha yelled as everyone looked at her with wide eyes.

"Wait Fred's going to pull the plug?" Jughead asked with tears as Sasha nodded again silent tears falling down her face and the gang,(Cheryl, Toni, Jughead, Betty and Sasha) all hugged and stood there tears in their eyes as they hugged.

"I can't believe this" Cheryl said as Sasha looked away and then bluntly stated.

"I'm done. Take my jacket FP, I can't be a serpent anymore" Sasha removed the jacket she had been wearing and FP took it and soon Jughead and Toni took theirs off.

"We stick by our own, and these people aren't part of that sorry FP" Toni said as the gang walked out and back to the hospital.

Later that night
"Archie babe. Please please wake up this is your last chance okay you got this Archie, we've been through to much shit for you to end it here" Sasha said and then....

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