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The road to recovery.
It was long and hard but she stuck by his side every single day the brunette loved him to much just to let him go.
Sasha close the book she set the pen down and looked over to Archie was asleep on the couch and smiled.

It really was hard for Sasha seeing the usually very energetic Archie just laying there on a couch or sitting down, they didn't go out very often for that reason and mostly stayed home, meaning Sasha was usually on her own and feared for her own safety when she was alone.

"Hey baby how's that book going" Archie's horse voice said and Sasha looked over and smiled.

"Its going good, I'm going to publish it soon I think " Sasha said as she walked over to Archie and laided next to him.

"What's it about?" Archie asked as Sasha turned to her back to Archie as he put his arm around her waist and snuggled his head into her neck.

"Its about us, our story" Sasha said as Archie smiled a bit.

"Wow" Archie said as Sasha laughed and turned looking at Archie.

"I love you" Sasha said as Archie placed a kiss on Sasha's nose and then put his lips to hers and then got on top of Sasha and the door swung open and Archie startled jumped off of Sasha and Sasha looked over to see Mary, Archie's mom.

"Archie!" Mary yelled as Sasha sunk into the couch but Vegas ran and started licking Sasha as she smiled.

"Sasha you need to leave" Mary stammered as she pointed to the door but Fred walked in.

"She's living here Mary she kinda can't go." Fred argued back as Mary grunted.

"So you're supporting these children having sex?!" Mary yelled as Archie side hugged Sasha as they stood there fully clothed.

"They were kissing and in no way am I okay with the two having sex at this young but hey we all make mistakes as long as they stay safe" Fred said as Sasha went to butt in but, Mary shushed her.

"I'm fighting to take full custody of Archie and when I win, you two will never see Archie again!" Mary yelled pointing her fingers at Fred and Sasha as she stormed out.

 To bad for you (Archie Andrews)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat