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"The girl who has Sasha is Samantha Banks or Sammy as everyone referred to her as she was Sasha's twin. She was believed to have been murdered when Sasha's mom was but was now we know why. She's been hiding away for years she's come back for Sarah's journal which is the one that Sasha always carries on her. I guess it has a-

"It basically has Sarah's life savings in there" FP said as Archie glared at him for cutting him off.

"So basically what you're saying thatbinside that notebook is a code to get in a account with Sarah Banks' life savings." Betty said as Jughead nodded and Fp sighed.

"Well let's go and get her" Toni rushed as she slipped a coat on but FP stoped her.

"Archie and I decided it would be best if we just went."

"Hell no that's my sister in there ik coming with."

"So are we" Cheryl said as they all grabbed their coats and took the long drive to the house.

"Why are you doing this?" Sasha asked as Sam passed by the room she had Sasha in.

"Sasha i just wanted  the notebook. Maybe if you would of listened  to me this would of never ever happened." Sam said as the door downstairs opened.

"Looks like your friends joined the party" Sam yelled pulling the gun.

"No run!" Sasha yelled as the group ran upstairs and a gun shot fired. Sasha closed her eyes and when she re opened them she was in a room.

"You're finally awak" Sam said as she pulled another chair in and there was Archie. Blood down his face and Sam pulled a knife and stepped closer to Archie.

"Stop! Don't hurt him, ISam don't fucking touch him!" Sasha yelled as a loud bang came from downstairs.

"Hold on let me check on the others don't move." Sam said running out. Sasha rocked the chair before she made it fall braking a leg off and she eventually got herself out.

"Sasha?" Sam whispered as Sam walked in and Sasha hit Sam with a chair.

"Archie come on, wake up" Sasha said shaking Archie as he slowly woke up.

"Come on" Sasha yelled as they ran down the stairs grabbing the rest of the group as they went.

"Fools. thought you could get away that easy." Sam said as she walked down the stairs and then Toni realized Cheryl was missing and she looked up to see Sam holding Cheryl.

"Sam why are you doing this? These people did nothing to you and you killed mom. What did she ever do to you. She was so loving and caring and she knew we all could change." Sasha cried out as Sam dropped Cheryl who fell to the floor then ran to Toni.

⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠Trigger warning suicide mentioned ahead skip if you do not want it read.⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠

"You're right" Sam said as she lifted a gun to her head and shot herself. Sasha screamed falling to the floor.
♥♥♥♥♥trigger over♥♥♥♥♥
"Come on let's go" FP said as Archie grabbed Sasha and they walked out into the storm cops waiting outside.

Dear diary, my name is Sarah Banks I'm 24 years old and I have to baby girls twins to be exact. There's Sam who I believe is just like her father stone cold. Then there's Sasha's she's like me believes in family and love but she's cold that's good. I see a future for her and I can't wait to see where my girls go. If i some how don't make it to see you turn 17 Sasha and youre reading this I'm giving you a basket of roses like i send and do every year but this year there will be 17 flowers one more then the last year and in there is also a number and a town. That'll lead you to my life savings. It's all for you baby. I miss and love you♥
-Sarah Banks

Sasha set the letter down and sighed.

"I miss you mom" she mumbled and Archie stood leaning on the wall with a ice pack on his face.

"Babe come upstairs " Archie said.

"I love you Archie" Sasha mumbled.

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