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(One other thing about the contest. If you are a reader that interacts and votes a lot, that will bring up your chances, anyways guys good luck and here's chapter 54)

That almost empty diner wouldn't be that way for long in fact the group had a surprise waiting for them at every corner.

"Lets head out, Pop proably wants to get home to his family." Jughead noted as we all nodded and stood up walking to the counter.

"Thanks Pop, you have a good night" Sasha said putting a 5 dollar bill on the counter and the rest of the group followed doing the same.

"I don't want your money guys" Pop said as the door jingled and every9ne turned and froze.

"I want all the money you have, including you guys!" The masked man yelled.

"What no" Toni mumbled holding her stance and the guy shook the gun near.

"Toni just give him your money, it shouldn't be a issue." Archie said as Cheryl looked down.

"We have 3 thousand on us." Cheryl mumbled under her breath and Sasha looked down and she did the most risky thing ever and threw a punch at the masked man.

"Sas- the gun went off and the man ran out. There was no use running after him.

"Damn what a bitch" Sasha laughed through her pain, her shoulder was soaked in blood along with Archie's hand.

"Oh my god Sasha , Thank you" Toni mumbled as Sasha stood up.

"Look anything for you two. Now get 3 thousand some where safe, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Sasha hugged everyone. Archie and her walked outside.

The next day
Sasha had her arm in a sling and while they sat in Archie's and hers bedroom the only th inf they could focus on was that new guy.

"Okay so far all we know about this guys is that has some weird obsession with me or our group." Sasha said as she laied on Archie's legs.

"Yeah, what are we gonna tell my dad when he gets back?" Archie asked as Sasha shrugged.

"Guys school now!" Jessica yelled as Sasha rolles her eyes.

"Wait a minute!" Sasha yelled back as they both stood up and grabbed their bags.

In the news room @ the school

Sasha and Betty were putting pieces together on the board of this new masked man as Archie and Jughead talked in the hall. Choni was at home sleeping still.

"I'm worried. Sasha and Betty really get into this stuff what if they get hurt?" Archie asked as Jughead sighed.

"Sasha and Betty can take care of themselves. They got it" Jughead said as Archienhime walked back in to Sasha and Betty throwing paper balls at each other.

"Oh my god paper ball fight count us in!" Toni yelled walking in with Cheryl.

 To bad for you (Archie Andrews)Where stories live. Discover now