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Sasha woke up a week later. The night she woke up it was semi dark 9n her room and she could see FP sitting in the corner along with Archie and her dog Axe was cuddled up on her feet.

"Archie?" Sasha whispered as Archie sprung up and ran over to Sasha hugging her.

"Listen I'm sorry. I'm a shitty guy and I don't deserve you. I constantly hurt you and I'm never going to  be good enough for you. And I'm sorry  for that. And if you don't want to ever take me back which you probably don't then that's fine." Archie had tears down his face and Sasha cupped Archies face and missed his forehead.

"Look Archie we all make mistakes believe it or not. Honestly when you do cheat on me it's when I go on a crazy fender bender and end up in the hospital. If you had a girlfriend right now I wouldn't be mad. Because one j broke it off with you a while back and I've been in her for like a week. Archie if you're up to it I'll take you back. But not now. I need time to mend myself." Sasha said as Archie hugged her.

Current time- two and a half weeks later
Sasha ran downstairs practically tripping as she pulled on her dress. She ran straight into Archie who was in the same rush as her. Not only had the two over slept, they over slept on Fred and Jessica's wedding day. They had 20 minutes to make it in time.

"Tie my dress. And I'll tie your tie." Sasha said to Archie as they finished. Sasha brushed her hair out and made a quick decision she's do it in the car.

"Archie let's go!" Sasha yelled running out to the car and Archie grabbing the keys and locking the house, Toni and Cheryl came running and got in the car.

"We over slept too. Drive." Cheryl said as Archie started driving and Sasha was having Cheryl do her hair.

They arrived with 5 minutes left and all parted their ways. Sasha and Cheryl entered the girls dressing room and shut the door behind them.

"Jessica I'm so sorry." Sasha said as she did Cheruls hair quickly.

"You all overslept. How is that possible?" Jessica asked slipping her shoes on.

"Lets just say Archie and I had a late night and we slept through our alarms." Sasha mumbled.

After wedding party, 1 hour later.
Sasha smiled at Archie from across the room. While Archie danced with however asked just to make his dad and now step mom happy.

"Hey go dance with your man." Toni smiled and Sasha looked at Toni.

"I will. Now go dance with Cheryl. She's over by the cake." Sasha said as Toni walked off and Sasha walked towards Archie.

"Hey Archie can we dance?" Sasha asked as Archie let go of the other girl and grabbed Sasha and they started to slow dance.

"How romantic is this? I can't wait until we're here and I'm in a white gown and last name is Andrews." Sasha softly said as Archie smiled.

"You really think we're gonna last that long? Because honestly I was thinking the same thing but-

"Of course we're gonna last this long, Just like Betts and Jug and Toni and Cheryl will. It's young love that was meant to be." Sasha said with a smile as Archie kissed her.

"I love you." Archie linked and Sasha smiled and it was like the whole world melted away when Archie said that.

"I love you too Archie Andrews." Sasha said.

The night slowly fadded away and soon it was midnight. Everyone getting in a car to  head home But Choni, bughead, and sarchie. They stayed and helped clean up. They all we're in pajamas that they had brought.

They laughed the whole rest of the night as the cleaned and partied away.
Nothing would stop these six kids because they all were having to much fun.

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