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"Sasha I have a question." Archie asked looking at Sasha as she looked up from her red solo cup.

"Yeah. Go ahead ask away." Sasha said as she looked at Archie who hesitated for a moment and then looked away and back at Sasha.

"Why did you stay with me?I hurt you so bad, countless times and you stayed." Archie asked as Sasha shot a  gaze into the window, to see choni looking out the window. She waved her hand and they walked away from the window.

"I guess, I stayed because you made me feel alive again. You made me feel loved and you made me happy. You made me feel like I did when my mom was alive, and I guess I stayed because I was afraid I would lose the  person that made me feel like me again. I know it sound stupid but it's true." Sasha said biting the inside of her lip and looking into the water.

"I didn't know you felt that way is that why you got all pissed when...

"When you were dancing with that stupid Greendale bitch Sabrina. Yeah. I thought I was losing you. Which I practically did. Since we you know broke up." Sasha mumbled running her finger along the pool edging.

"Look. You didn't lose me. You never will. I'm trying to get better. I'm seeing a therapist for some of my mental issues. I promise this will all go away soon and we'll be back to normal" Archie said taking Sasha and pulling her I to a side hug.

"Promise" Sasha said sticking out her pinky, the word Promise, tattooed by Archie was on her finger.

"Promise" Archie said sticking his own out and again the word promised lines his finger tattooed by Sasha. They linked fingers and then hugged.

"Okay then Andrew's take me home" Sasha said as Archie picked her up bridal still and Sasha squealed.

"Homeward!" Archie yelled as he ran off with Sasha and she laughed. It was these moments that meant the world to her

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