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"Does this talk have to do anything with Jug and Betty breaking up?" Sasha asked as she breathed in a deep breath before looking at Archie who was struggling to hold his tears back.

"No-I mean yes kinda, look Sasha I just think we need a break and a long one too." Archie choked out as Sasha looked up her eyes glistned in the moon light. A tear fell down her face.

"No you can't do this to me. You you can't do this to us. Where is this coming from?" Sasha cried out, desperate to know.

"Just we need to break up"

"No! Not until you give me a fucking reason. Okay? I'm not just letting you do this to me, to your dad, to us. Unless you have a fucking reason." Sasha yelled tears pouring down her face.

"Just I don't know. You're re joining the serpents and I just-

"Hold up. Are you breaking up with me to be with Betty. Cheryl told me about your little Christmas kiss with her. Then all of a sudden Betty drops Jug and your dropping me. I mean that would make perfect sense."

"Yes" Archie mumbled and Sasha's heart shattered.

"I see, I'll have my stuff gone by tonight." Sasha said wiping her tears as she pushed past Archie and walked to her old house.

"Hey Sasha what's wrong?" Fred asked as Sasha closed the door.

"Ask your son."

"Wait did you guys get in a fight?" Fred asked as Sasha turned from grabbing some of her clothes.

"No worse he broke up with me for Betty." Sasha cried out as Fred hugged her.

"I'm so sorry, something has been up with him lately, I'll talk to him."

"No Fred he's made his choice. I'm gonna get the rest of my stuff tomorrow." Sasha said grabbing most of her clothes and shoes and hugging Fred before walking outside.

Fred's pov

I was awaiting for Archie to come home after I had talked to Sasha. The door finally opened and Archie was crying.

"What's going on with you son. I'm so disappointed in you. Breaking up with Sasha that wasn't right."

"Listen dad I'm so sorry and I promise this will be over soon."

"No I want it over now! And if you can't do that, then you're grounded no football no Betty no phone no nothing." I yelled as Archie ran up to his room.

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