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(Sorry😂 just needed a break and I got a good three day one. Here's the chapter you guys deserve also writing this at 1 in the morning)

For a slim moment everything was perfect in Riverdale.

The sirens of police cars brought the group back into reality and That's when Sasha called her dad.
"Hey dad what's going on"
"Look Sasha you wanna come stay with me for a bit."
"I don't think I have a choice no say no."
[They're on summer break now ig idk the time line in this story is shit]

The next morning
Sasha finished packing her bag and sitting down with a sigh.

"What baby." Archie mumbled in his morning voice making Sasha not want to leave 10x more.

"I don't want to leave." Sasha said jumping on Archie s bed and hugging him tight, not wanting to let go. Archie ran his hands through Sasha's hair as they just laided there.

"Hey, Sasha- it's time to go." Jessica said as Sasha got up and so did Archie, they linked hands as Archie grabbed a shirt and slipped it on.

"I'm coming with." Archie said grabbing Sasha's suitcase as they walked outside to the car. Betty, jughead, Toni, and Cheryl were all out there waiting to say goodbye.

"Goodbye, I'll miss you." They said as they all hugged before Sasha, Archie, and Jessica got in.

Jessica started to drive it was about 5:00 in the morning and Sasha laided her head on Archie's stomach and fell asleep.

"Hey Sasha, wake up." Archie said as they pulled into her father's house and Jessica stopped the car. Her father was outside waiting with Ashley and Jamie.

"I guess we should get out?" Sasha asked as they all climbed out and Archie got Sasha's suitcase out and she hugged Jessica.

"Bye Jess, see you in two weeks." Sasha said as she hugged Archie and tears started flowing, they kissed and Sasha held Archie's face.

"Call me everyday or night please so we can talk. I love you." Sasha cried as the two hugged one more time.

"I love you too." Archie replied as Frank same over and pretty much pulled Sasha away.

Archie and Jessica were it he car and Jess started it.

"Please Jessica don't make her stay."

"Archie I can't do anything about it I'm sorry." Jessica said holding tears back as Archie started to cry and Jessica rubbed his back as she drove away.

"Fuck." Sasha mumbled as her dad slapped her.

"No swearing around Jamie!" He yelled as Sasha grabbed her bag and looked at Frank.

"I fucking hate you and don't wanna be here but o didn't have a chance and I'm not staying for two weeks I'm going home next Friday." Sasha said storming inside.

"Hey Jessica it's Sasha. My dad is out of control uhm if you could get me next Friday don't tell anyone though thanks bye." Sasha hung up her phone and say on the bed in her "room" For the next six days.

 To bad for you (Archie Andrews)Where stories live. Discover now