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   Court day Fred Andrews against Mary (whatever her last name is)

As Fred and Lea walked in the court room got quite Sasha and Archie weren't far behind, people lined the benches in the court room including Frank. Bughead and Choni also were there for moral support and the hopes that if they needed more evidence they could be used.

"Order in the court!" The judge yelled (now quick side note idk how this works I know how some court cases work but not one where they fight for custody so we just gonna make it up)

The judge had them stand and sit then we started and first called to the stand was Fred.

"Fred please state three reasons why Archie should stay in your custody"

"Well Archie would stay in Riverdale where all his friends and his girlfriend who makes him happy are, Archie loves me and I work a steady job to make sure he can go to college and finally I've always been there for him"Fred for down and sat next to Lea who said something in his ear.

Things happened and Sasha sat on the thing and Mary walked up to her.

"Is it true you're a Southside Serpent and are involved with a drug cartel?" Mary asked as Sasha looked down.

"No" Sasha said as Archie smiled but Lea cringed as Mary smiled.

"Can you please show us ypur shoulder?"

"Yeah I guess" Sasha smiled knowing that she had removed the Tattoo.

"Okay well Sasha can you tell me how you were involved in a murder"

"Yeah your son and A few other including me were arrested for tampering with evidence then we were awared for finding the killer" Sasha smiled, she had every way to defend herself there was no way Mary could get past her.

"Are you sexually active?" Shit Sasha thought as she looked at Archie and he nodded.

"Sorta, Archie and I have only had intercourse three times I believe" It was so weird to say there were family members and friends but then there was Fred who had no idea.

"Okay thats all" Mary said and the Lea stepped up.

"Sasha, can you tell me when and who took this photo?" Lea said as she pulled out a photo  handing it to the judge then Sasha.

"Oh I think Betty or Jughead took this photo and this was like maybe a week or two ago when Archikins was in the hospital" Sasha smiled and ran her hands on the photo Archie smiled as Lea handed the picture to him

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"Oh I think Betty or Jughead took this photo and this was like maybe a week or two ago when Archikins was in the hospital" Sasha smiled and ran her hands on the photo Archie smiled as Lea handed the picture to him.

"Okay how about this one right here"

"Okay how about this one right here"

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"Prom week, Fred took this picture"

"January 5th I had just got out of the hospital for some sickness and Archie wrote me a song I believe Cheryl or Toni took this

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"January 5th I had just got out of the hospital for some sickness and Archie wrote me a song I believe Cheryl or Toni took this." Sasha let a tear fall down and Lea let her off of the stand and Archie wrapped her in a hug planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Archie Andrews to the stand" Lea said as Archie sat down and Lea handed him a photo.

"Archie Andrews to the stand" Lea said as Archie sat down and Lea handed him a photo

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"Are you very protective over Sasha?" Lea asked and Archie smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I couldn't imagine thrive of my life with or being hurt by someone else." Archie admitted as Sasha helped her heart.

"Archie tell me about your mom and dad."

"Well my dad works in construction and always supports me he's a normal dad you know he grounds me and stuff, but he's special because ya know he let Sasha come and live with us when she lost her house sadly and ever since the murders in Riverdale she came and was living with us and still is, my mom well she is a lawyer and when she left my dad she went to Chicago, she only comes down to see me when I'm hurt or in trouble she's generally nice but she would never let the whole Sasha thing pass if she lived in the house." Archie admitted as Lea nodded and sat back down letting Mary come up.

"Archie don't bias this because she's your mom" the judge said as Archie nodded and Mary started.

"Archie can you tell me what your dad was doing the night you were shot?"

"He was on a date, but being shot just happens he couldn't of changed that" Archie said as Mary nodded and then went onto the next question.

"How are your grades."

"A's and B's why does-

"How often is ypur dad out?" Mary asked as Fred smiled Lea looked up from her papers and Sasha turned from talking to Toni and the gang.

"Barely ever he's pretty much always home execpt from when he's working and the few dates he goes on"Archie said meekly worried he had said the wrong thing.

"That's all" Mary sat back down and the judge cleared his throat.

"All right the jury will decide what happens we'll see you tomorrow" the judge said as Archie walked down and  Archie grabbed Sasha's hand and Fred put his arm around Archie and the gang followed in front.

"I'm happy the day is over." Sasha said as she dried her hair off and walked to Archie who was on his bed in basketball shorts with his guitar, his hair was slightly damp from the shower he had taken before Sasha.

"Yeah" Archie mumbled in response as he countined to play with the strings on the guitar, Sasha could tell he was upset so she took his guitar and set it down planting a kiss on his head.

"Baby Its okay" Sasha said as Archie placed his hand on Sasha's back and kissed her and laided down into the bed.

Sasha pulled a shirt back on and walked downstairs seeing Fred and Jessica laughing and smiling.

"Hey am I interrupting?" She asked as Fred looked over.

"No it's fine, didn't know you were still up, where's Archie?"

"Sleeping in bed" Sasha said grabbing some food and taking Vegas with her back upstairs. Climbing in bed she laided next to Archie and fell asleep.

Day two world trial

Everyone filed in the court room and sat down everyone was scared and nervous.

"The jury has come to a decision of who should have full custody over Archie Andrews and it....

 To bad for you (Archie Andrews)Where stories live. Discover now