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Immediately the custody battle started leaving Fred and Sasha scared and worried every step of the way.

"Baby they'll never take us away from each other" Archie said as Sasha looked up from the papers, and then back down.

"Archie we can't be sure, if your mom wins she'll....

"Sasha stop worrying we have a great lawyer."

"Archie! Lawyers don't matter in most cases they take the mom's side over the dad's, your dad's a great man but under his watch you were shot, not only you but also me which Mary can also use that im....

"Sasha! Just stop!" Archie yelled as Sasha looked away.

"I just don't want to lose you" Sasha countined to look away as Archie hugged her from behind.

"You won't lose me." The two were smiling again as they stayed hugging and the lawyer watched and snapped a few pictures knowing this could help the case.

"Hello Mr and Ms Andrews, I'm Lea, I'll be your lawyer."

"To be honest my name is Sasha Banks, Archie s my boyfriend you'll be representing his dad Fred's who is going against his ex wife for full custody of Archie." Sasha said as Lea sat down looking at the papers Sasha had spread out.

"I see, now what do you have to do with all this?" Lea asked as Archie sighed.

"Well Mary, my mom threatened that if she got full custody of me that my dad and Sasha would never see me again" Archie admitted as Fred walked in and looked around.

"What's going on here?" He asked as Lea stood up and walked over to Fred, sticking her hand out she smiled.

"I'm Lea your lawyer, your son here has a good girlfriend she already has plans on what to do but I'll be taking over." Lea spike softly as Fred took Lea's hand and shook it.

"Fred Andrews, Archie's dad" Fred said embarrassed slightly.

"Well you three I want you to live your normal lives be here at 8:45 every night we'll talk over the case and until then I'll be watching you but in a non stalker way" Leas laughed walking out grabbing the papers on her way and the threw stood there.

"Well then Archie and so have a date with the rest of the gang see you later"

Lea's pov

I watched as Sasha and Archie walked out laughing, I took another picture and I followed them knowing that the more pictures showing Archie was happy in his dads...

"Hey dad, come join us!" Archie yelled as Fred walked over and put his arm around his son.

"Yeah let's go" The family was so happy together and I have no idea why someone would want to pull it apart especially Archie's mom couldn't she see that her son was happy.

The three walked into pop's and I sat in my car, they met up with friends and all sat down, Fred sat down with a woman that woman was Archie's doctor from when he was shot, also know as Jessica Loney.

Back to 3rd pov

The group of kids including Choni, Bughead and Sarchie sat drinking milkshakes and laughing, Fred and Jessica sat talking over a few things.

The group was just so happy everyone was and no-one could understand why Mary wanted Archie all to herself, everyone knew it was more then the sex thing someone else had to be forcing her to do it.

Mary's pov

I walked to my room and looked over papers and reasons of why I should have full custody of my son.

"Hey Mary make sure you win this"

"Got it Frank[Sasha's dad], I always planned on it, I mean after all he's my son and then after this you can have your daughter back and I can have my son"

 To bad for you (Archie Andrews)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora