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[Okay since I'm busy and most of these coming a some of the last few are rushed I forget details, they're shorter, spelling errors. Just look past that. But I forgot to mention last chapter that this fight between Sasha and these Ghoulies was moved onto the forest near the border line]

Sasha was strong and held through until the main Ghoulie came. This guy was crazy and Sasha was already beat to hell's end. She had her hands on her knees catching her breath as blood spilled from her nose, her lip, a gash on her eyebrow. The main Ghoulie walked up to Sasha and swiftly kicked her.

"Fuck!" She cried out falling to ground and tumbling down a little slope before hitting a tree.

"Hey Archie glad you came" Toni rolled her eyes as Archie rolled his.

"It's not about how much we hate each other right now, it's about Sasha. Where is she" Archie asked as Toni look at at Cheryl, and then at Jughead.

"We...we don't know" Cheryl mumbled as they sat there and then Betty smiled.

"FP's bar, he'll know where she is. Someone will." Betty said as they all ran for the bar in hopes they could save Sasha.

Sasha stood up using the tree as something to lean on and that's when another punch was thrown and that was it she was on the ground for good.

"This is what you get when you get my gang arrested, try to run things, beat my people up, and fight us oh and cut my tattoo off. Sasha you're not gonna live to see another day like your friend Sweetpea." Penny said stepping next to this Ghoulies and Sasha gasped trying to take in air.

"You killed Sweetpea?" She battled managed to say.

"Yes we did."

"You, b- Sasha never finished the sentence.

The gang made it inside the bar and FP was sitting on a table, talking.

"Hey Jug, Cheryl, Toners. Betty and Archie?" FP said jumping down the kids were trying to get their breath and finally Archie asked.

"Do you know where Sasha is?" He asked as a guy at the bar turned.

"Is she a girl with brown hair, blonde highlights, deep brown eyes? Because if that's her she's in a fight with Penny and the Ghoulies by the rivers edge and the border line." The drunken guys turned and faced the bar again and FP ran out the doors the group of teens not far behind him.

Finally they made it there and there was Penny and FP nodded to Jughead who grabbed Penny's shirt and threw a punch at her, Toni followed.

"It's not gonna matter she's not living another day." That's all it took for Toni to kick her so hard that a rib broke.

"Stay the fuck down. You're lucky I don't kill you right now." Jughead mumbled as FP stepped out of the Dorset right as everyone made it. In his hands was a limp Sasha.

"Oh my god." Betty mumbled as Toni gripped Cheryl. Toni had tears down her face, Betty was standing there tears in her eyes. Cheryl couldn't express it and Jughead looked down at the ground. It was his fault he cut Penny's tattoo off.

"No" Archie said as he fell to the ground in tears.

They all were afraid and scared mostly sad and angered with what had gone down and Betty and Archie came clean about the blackhood as they hall hugged and FP for the first time in a really long time, cried.

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