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The rain fell lightly as Sasha sighed. The cab drove along the roads of Riverdale. She tried to not look outside. Then they stopped by pops. The lights were lit and everybody was inside.

"Stop!" Sasha yelled as the cab pulled to a stop and Sasha got out. "I'll be back in a second" Sasha said as she pulled her hood up and walked towards the door. Her hands shook lightly.

"You've been gone for a month and here you are. Showing up out of the blue again, you're pregnant. Do they really want you back" Sasha mumbled to herself as she looked at everyone. Cheryl's hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, Toni's hair fell to her shoulders along with Betty's. Jughead didn't have his beanie on and Archie seemed happier. Veronica's hair fell to her chest as she leaned against Reggie. The parents were there, Polly was, everyone was. Could she really go ruin this moment?

"Hey," Sasha said as she walked in. The music stopped and everyone looked at her. She smiled softly. Everyone stayed silent. "Look I just wanted to talk to Archie," Sasha said as Archie smiled and followed Sasha outside into the rain.

"What are you doing here?!" Archie yelled slightly as Sasha sighed and looked at the window. Then the ground.

"Look. I just wanted to say, I still love you and I'm sorry. You've probably moved on but you're all I can think about. I don't want you to never see your kid" Sasha said as the rain beat down harder.

"I love you too, but you're not staying?" Archie questioned. He already knew she wasn't. He was soaked due to the rain and he sighed. Sasha grabbed him and hugged him. The stood there in a hug while rain poured down.

"Look I have to go but just promise me you'll wait. I'll be back Archie. One day. I and our little kid" Sasha said giving Archie the box. He knew the book was in there.

"What about the last chapter?" Archie yelled after Sasha.

"Write it, Archie. You know better then anyone what happens after I leave. Write it" Sasha yelled getting in the cab which then drove off.

[Archie's PoV]

I stood out in the rain, I held the book before walking back inside. Everyone was silent, I sighed as she set the book on the counter.

"Arch is she okay," Toni asked as the bell rang as the door to the diner was opened.

"I'm fine. I don't wanna leave, I love you all. I'll see you guys soon okay" Sasha cried out as she gave everyone a hug and she grabbed me.

"I love you too" I mumbled as we hugged and shared a kiss. "I'll be waiting for Sasha. I can't wait to see our baby" I said as she smiled and a few tears ran down my own cheeks as she walked out.

"What is that?" Fred asked as I sat down. Everyone following, some on the ground and some in booths.

This book is dedicated to the ones who were always there. Thank you.

My name is Sasha Banks. This is my story. Two long crossed lovers come together with the help of family and friends. Fights, tears and many things happen but the best thing is, is that we're all family and are in this together. That why I want to say Thanks to my sisters. Betty, Cheryl, Toni, Veronica. Toni, you are my little cupcake, the girl that's been there since I was a day old, our bond will forever stay strong, Cheryl, you made my sister so happy along with me. You are our strong bitch, that will kill anyone if needed, Betty, you were there through thick and thin. I don't know what I would have done without you, Veronica We fought, hated each other and now we're back and best friends and sisters. Jughead my brother. Thank you, I can't explain you in words. Fred and FP for being the father I didn't have any of course Archie, the love of my life the one I will and did love always. To our precious child coming soon, we love you all. And to the ones we lost, you were loved and we still love you.
-Sasha Banks

Everyone looked at everyone. I opened the book and started to read to everyone. Cheryl put her head in Toni's lap and Veronica sat with Reggie. Betty and Jughead wrapped up together, Pop behind the counter and everyone else listening. Tears did fill the room that night as We read through the whole book. Including the ending.

Just like you are right now.

Endings come quick but there will always be a new start. Stay strong and use this book to tell you that just because you were taught to hate this certain type of people doesn't mean that you can't come together. Sasha went against her sides belief and look where her power got us today. Stand up for what you believe in.

In the end, you'll be remembered for what you did, not who you fought, dated, we're better than, or worse in high school. You'll be remembered for the good or bad you've done. You get to decide if it's good or bad.

Before you close the book Sasha had a special note.

-Archie Andrews

My name is Sasha many know that. From what you read, you know everything about me, from my height, my beliefs and my life. I hope you loved my journey, for all the ups and downs there was and all the weird shit that happened. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I also hope you cried a bit because of I sure as hell did. Just remember when you close this book you don't lose what you learned. There is a message in this book.

You're remembered for the good or bad things you do not how popular you are. Just make a good impact on the world. Even though it may seem small it's always big in the long run, just like me bringing the two sides or Riverdale together, it may have seemed small but in the long run, it was a great thing.

I love you all, your dear and amazing purple haired author -Sasha Banks.

Thanks again for everything everyone has done for me. I guess this is it. The ending. I love you all, Sasha banks signing out for the last time. Goodbye loyal friends and family. This truly was amazing and I know I'm dragging this on, I just don't want to say goodbye to this.

-goodbye from L.A Californa Sasha Banks one last sign out before you close this book.

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