a big bang

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Pam's POV

"Holy shit."

Sasha said as I walked down the hall.

"You like?"

I asked as I twirled around; showing off my sparkly blue dress and matching heels.

"You look like...Becky."

Sasha said as she raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah well if Fergal is so in love with her...maybe he can try and keep his eyes off of me."

I said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Well he definitely won't stop looking at those funbags that you call boobs."

Sasha said as she pointed to my new push-up bra that was keeping everything up and close.

"I can't help I'm a mom who pumps. They're full of milk to feed Ava."

I said with a shrug of the shoulders.

"Fine. Let's go."

Sasha said as we walked out to the car.


"You look so incredibly beautiful."

I said with a smile as I adjusted Aria's veil.

"Thanks. I'm nervous but I'm really excited. I can't wait to be married and hopefully have another little one with the man I love."

Aria said as I wiped the tears off her face.

"I have something for you."

I said as I picked the box up off the vanity and handed it to her. Aria opened it and gasped.

"Mom...are you sure?"

She asked as she looked up at me.

"I wouldn't have gave them to me if I wasn't sure."

I said as I picked the necklace up from the box and put it around her neck.

"Give this to the little girl I know you'll have one day."

I whispered as I placed a kiss on her cheek. That's when a knock came from the door and Fergal walked in.

"Oh there you are Becks. I've been looking-"

Fergal said, seeing my orange hair only, but stopped when he realized it was me.

"Oh. Sorry Pam."

Fergal said as he looked me up and down then at his feet.

"I'll see you soon sweetheart. I love you."

I said as I hugged Aria.


"Having fun over here?"

Sasha asked as I picked at my food. Aria and Ryan were officially married. But I couldn't even get a single look from Fergal.

"Why isn't he looking at me? I changed everything! Why does he hate me so much?"

I said as I started crying.

"Don't cry. He's not fucking worth it. You hear me?"

Sasha asked. I nodded as I sighed. I looked over at Ava who was sound asleep in her car seat.

"He doesn't even bother to be a father to her. And I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind."

I said as I threw my fork onto my plate.

"Right now?"

"Right now!"

I said as I stormed over to the dance floor. Then I pulled Fergal and Becky apart.

"So you're father of the year now Fergal?! More like anything from it. You dropped Mia off at my doorstep kicked me out when I was 8 months pregnant! And instead of looking for me, you were out fucking Becky. And when I gave birth in a store you didn't even bother to call anyone to see if they knew about me."

I yelled in his face.

"Pam, lets not do this here."

Fergal whispered.

"No! Let's do this here! You hate me and I have no idea why! You've hated me ever since I died and you're punishing me and my daughters. You couldn't even send Mia a lousy birthday card for her birthday! You haven't even tried to meet Ava. But that's fine. Because I know Ava isn't you daughter. And I'm damn happy she doesn't have a shitty father like you or Aaron. So I'm gonna go back to being a single mom cause I'd rather be a single mom then a deadbeat."

I said before stomping away. It had to be said. And now it's all out on the table.

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