not your dad

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Pam's POV

"Mommy, when are we going home?"

Ethan asked as I unpacked our clothes into the hotel dresser.

"Our flight is tomorrow little dude. We'll be home with your sister tomorrow."

Aaron said as he picked Ethan up. I looked over to see Aaron tickling Ethan and Ethan in a laughing fit. I smiled at them as Aaron looked over at me.

"You're such a good dad. I'm proud of you."

I whispered in his ear before kissing him. That's when a knock came from the door.

"I got it."

I said as I stood up and walked to the door. I rolled my eyes as I opened the door to see Fergal standing there. I went to slam the door shut but Fergal put his hand on the door.

"We need to talk."

Fergal said.

"We really don't. I have nothing to say to you."

I said.

"Well I have a lot to say to you. How could you take Ethan away from me?"

"I could ask you the same thing. Ethan isn't your son. You can't take him away from me. But you don't care. You wanted to hurt me, didn't you Fergal."

"I wanted my kids back Pamela."

"Well Gabi told me that Ethan has been crying everyday for me. You just wanted to hurt him and me. But thank god you aren't his father so I won't have to deal with you anymore."

"He's not my daddy?"

I heard someone asked. I looked down to see Ethan staring at Fergal and I.

"No pumpkin. He isn't. Don't worry about it. Besides, he was just leaving."

I said as I slammed the door shut. Ethan rested his head on my shoulder as I sighed. He didn't seem too concerned about this so I'm not gonna be concerned about it either.

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