better to have a father

110 3 10

Pam's POV

"Like he thinks he can just come here and think I'm gonna fall into his arms?! No! He told me that he stopped loving me after I freaking died! Who does that?!"

I asked as I continued to pace the room.

"Don't get yourself worked up over it. He only wants you cause Becky left him. You did the right thing for you and the girls."

Sasha said from the computer. That's when I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll call you back Sash."

I said as I hung up and walked out to the door. Once I opened it, I found the person that I walked to come over today.


Aaron said as I sucked my teeth.

"Hey. Before you come in here I've got to tell you something. Okay?"

I asked. He nodded as I got in his face.

"Don't you think that something will ever happen between us. You're here to be a father to Ava and that's it. If you try any shit or you try to hurt my little girl, I will kill you. Understand?"

I spat in his face.

"I got it."

Aaron said.

"Okay. I need to wrap Mia's birthday presents up for tonight so just go play with Ava."

I said as I let Aaron into the house. I hope maybe the threat will keep him in line. And I hope that maybe I won't have to act on the threat and Aaron will just be a good dad.

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