no help

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Pam's POV

"Happy birthday Mia!"

My Mom said as she took Mia from my arms.

"Gosh, I probably shouldn't have tried to carry this all at once."

I said as I put all of Mia's presents and Ava's car seat on the table.

"You okay sweetheart?"

My Mom asked, rubbing my back as I caught my breath.

"Yeah its just been a long day. Ava wanted to fight me on getting dressed and Mia couldn't decide on a dress and the older they get, the harder it's getting to do it on my own."

I said as tears rushed down my face.

"Shhh, don't cry. I know it's hard to be a single Mom but you've been doing an amazing job at it."

"I just wish I had some help. I mean, Aaron did come by today to hang with Ava but he's not gonna always be there. It's just so damn hard. And Fergal...I'm done with Fergal. I've washed my hands of him. There's no way I want his help anymore."

I said as I sighed.

"Let's not focus on them. Focus on your little girls. I mean, Mia is 2 today! You never, ever thought you'd see that, huh?"


I said as I smiled.

"I know how hurt you were when she died. You two both deserve this happiness."

My Mom said as she hugged me.

"Now if only her father would care that it's her birthday."

I said as I rolled my eyes. Maybe Fergal was just out to hurt us again. Maybe all he ever wanted to do was hurt us and break us. Maybe he's just pure evil.

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