pure anger

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Pam's POV

"Look what you did! My poor Fergie is depressed because you pulled me back up here."

I yelled at Leonie.

"I thought this is what you wanted Pamela?"

Leonie said.

"No. I was so happy with Fergal after he apologized. But you tore him away from me. And look where that got us. Your son is depressed. I bet you're so happy."

I said as I walked away from Leonie.


I heard as I walked over to Ashton and Addison.

"Hey babies. Did you miss me?"

I asked them as I picked them up.

"Yes Mommy!"

Addison said as she buried her head into my neck. I didn't belong here. I truly thought I did but I don't. I just want to be with Fergal. I wanted to be on earth with my family. I wanted to be there comforting Fergal. But I just don't get to do that. And I'm stuck up here once again.

(Sorry for the short update guys! Just trying to get something up before I go to bed/giving a small update on Pam!)

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