The answers

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I woke up back in the hospital wing. My eyes fluttered open but everything was still blurry. "Ugh" I said trying to sit up. I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was Eric with Draco beside him. Hermonie ,Harry, and Ron were there and so was Alyssa. " What happened?" I managed to get out of me.  "I'll tell you later. Dumbledore  wants to see you." Hermonie went to me and sat down beside me. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. "Are you Ok?" she whispered. I nodded. Eric and Draco helped me up. when I got on my feet, I fell right into Draco but he caught me and standed me up without letting go of me. I looked to face him in his eyes. I blushed slightly. This was a little too close and Alyssa whispered something to Hermonie. Eric helped me walk to Dumbledore's chamber with Draco's arm around me for support. 

When I got there, McGonagall and Dumbledore were talking. I nervously walked in and closed the door behind me. "Ahh Galina come in. McGonagall and I were just discussing what happened." Dumbledore said. "Professor I really don't know what happened, I just transformed and then a strange voice came to my head and then I saw a vision." I explained. He thought for a moment. '' Now I get it you, Galina are getting stronger as the time flies away. The stronger you get, the easier it will be for your father to find you. " My father?" I said confused. " Yes, that is why you train with McGonagall and you will also train with Snape on the visions. I will talk to him when you leave." Dumbledore said.

 "Professor when I was at Flying lessons I managed to get up and off my broom and catch the ball that Neville had. Then when I whistled and somehow, my broom came up under me. Do you know how that was to be?'' I asked. He nodded. " Galina, you lions are very mysterious. You all have different powers. Like with the troll, you had your dagger with you and defeated him. That is one of your powers. So is the broom act, your ability to jump is in your blood, like pouncing. Your brother, on the other hand has the gift of knowing and your sister katie has the power of beauty." "Thank you Professor." I said and started walking out the door. " Oh Galina." Dumbledore called " Yes" I said " Try to get along with Mr. Malfoy.'' He said I nodded and walked away.

I kept walking away from the chamber. I then remembered that I had to go to the library to find a book. I ran most of the way and when I got there I was gasping for air. I ran so fast I almost ran on my hands and feet, like a lioness. I went inside the library, said hi to Hermonie and went to find my book. Of course Hermonie was here. I searched for a book about lionesses, being princesses and other topics because since my brother is king, I have to learn to be proper and have good princess manors. I found one about rare animaguses and found the part on lions. It says that we are brave, cunning, smart, fierce and can fight anything that is in their path, no matter how big the obstacle is. I kept reading till a hand covered my mouth and the other wrapped around my body. I tried to fight but the grip was too strong for me. I reached for my dagger but his arms wouldn't let me. So I did what I always did when someone had their hand to my mouth. I opened my mouth and let my tongue slobber all over the hand. 

Just as I thought, the hand was removed. "Ewww, gross Galina.'' the person complained. I turned to see Draco Malfoy wiping his hand on his clothes trying to get the slobber off. " well don't scare me like that, and most definitely don't put your hand over my mouth." I said. "awwww, did I scared the kitty cat?!" he teased, tapping me on the noise. I glared at him and picked up my book, that I dropped and searched for another book that would be useful. "whatcha looking for kitty?'' he asked. " A book that I can study and memorize." I responded.  Draco looked confused. "what type of book?'' " A book about what it takes to be a princess, manors and some other book that I have to finish and it's 5,000 pages long. I have to memorize that in a few weeks."

Draco looked hurt."Wow don't you have a lot of work ahead of you." I nodded and started to think. My foot was tapping here and there. " You ok?" Draco asked worriedly. "yea I just forgot where that 5,000 paged book is?........" Now I know." I said happily. I took out my wand. "Accio book!" I stated and a huge, thick brown leathered book hit me and I fell to the ground hard. "Holly shit!!" I said gasping for air. Draco was wide eyed. "Is that the 5,000 paged book?" "Yes, Malfoy, can you help me get this off me." I gasped. He didn't answer, he took the book off me and putted the book down. I gingerly got up. Draco was a little lightheaded, walked to me AND purposely  trapped me against the bookcase and put my hands on each side of my head. "Are you ok kitty?" he asked staring into my eyes. It felt like I was in a trance. He leaned in to kiss me but I snapped out of it and didn't let anything happen. I said, " Yes I am, now can you get off me please?" He touched noses with me, which made me softly giggle and then slowly got off of me. I stood up right and gathered my books. "Thanks for the help Malfoy." I said sarcastically and walked out of the library and back to the common room. Draco was smirking at me while he was leaning on the bookcase. I don't know what the hell just happened but that was a close one.

Almost a kiss ohhh - Author's note

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