Another day with Malfoy, Summer and Year 3 Prisoner of Azkaban

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 Today was another day with Malfoy and now I was worried about Harry and all. Wait am I now falling for Harry. Well I might have had a crush on him since last year but I never told anyone because Eric and Draco would freak if I liked someone in the rival house.

 Anyways I was sound asleep when someone decided to tickle me when I was sleeping. I laughed til I was wide awake to see Draco holding a piece of paper. " Hey morning sleeping beauty Eric's letter finally came." He said. I sat up in my bed ready to listen. " Oh really what's it say?' I asked.

Draco sat down on the bed next to my legs as he held up the paper. " It says that Dumbledore said that as long if you was safe it was ok to leave school and he's glad that you were not alone and with someone that our family trusted. Oh he also talked to potter and weasley." He began as I cut him off. " oh sorry who and who?" I asked. 

He rolled his eyes and went back to reading. " he said that he talked to Harry and Ronald oh and Alyssa and they said everything was fine and that your father asked where you were. Harry and Alyssa said that they will letter you as soon as possible. Sincerely Eric." Ok that's the letter." Draco said putting away the letter.

" well I'm glad that everything is fine." I said laying back down. Draco nodded as he pet me on my head. " so when did Eric say we can come back to school?" I asked Draco. " Summer he said since after all the Chamber being opened and all Dumbledore sent everyone one at once so we have an early summer I guess." Draco said. " oh and Eric told us to stay here till he gets back and Katie is on her way too so yeah.'' He added. I nodded as Draco kissed my forehead.

I got up out of bed and sat next to Draco. " so what do we do till everyone gets back?" I asked. he shrugged as we went down to eat breakfast. A few hours later we were sitting in the living room playing wizard chess and I was at Draco's mercy. " and I take your king and done I win for the third time." he said boasting. I groaned as I glared at him. We then saw smoke everywhere as we looked as the flu powder cleared and we saw Eric. 

I jumped in his arms as all welcomed him back. Eric pulled Draco to the side as he whispered something." yeah of course it was like an hour." Draco responded. He told Eric how he won three times in a row at chess and Eric was not surprised.

Next thing you know Katie showed up and I was so happy to see her. It felt like hours. We all talked for at least 2 hours till Draco had to leave to start summer with his family. Eric pulled him into a hug as they said goodbye and Eric told him good job so far. 

Then katie pulled him to a big hug and thanked him for taking care of me as he nodded. She kissed him on the cheek as he went to me last. he whispered why couldn't I kiss him on the cheek like Katie did as I rolled my eyes and gave him a hug as he kissed me on the cheek and left for Malfoy Manor.

The summer was really fun. it was Harry's birthday and Alyssa and I went over to his house to celebrate and guess what when I gave him my gift he kissed me on the cheek. Ron told me that he liked me and Harry rolled his eyes. The next few days weren't that good. Alyssa invited my family over to meet hers and it was so so. There was a gun fire which made us all turn into our panthers and lions as we also had a small verble fight and then Eric and Alyssa's brother Brandon got into a fist fight. We tried to calm our brothers down and they agreed to stay such friends. Then one of Alyssa's brother tried flirting with me and Katie but I wasn't falling an inch for it.

I have really grown this year. Let's say my chest got bigger as I started getting some curves and Alyssa did too. Katie told me it was called Puberty and she told me that the guys would start having it too. The conversation made me a little uncomfortable.

We finally got back to school and I didn't see Draco yet. Little did we know that we were all in for a huge treat this year. Here we go. Harry potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. ( I love this Year along with Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix and Deathly Hollows) Oh and Half Blood Prince!!

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