Kiss of Truth

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Before we start this chapter, this is a warning. In this chapter there may be some minor sexual content. If you don't want to see that part, I think you should either not read this whole chapter or just skip down to the non sexual part. I will notify when that part is over. Thank you. -Cammyandgalina

I kept running til I found a dark hallway. I stopped to catch my breath. I leaned myself against the wall and closed my eyes. Then I heard someone else breathing hard. I looked to see Draco looking around and went down this hall. I tried to keep myself from giving me away but I think Draco already knew. " Galina, Kitten, please can I talk to you. Don't worry I don't bite." Draco pleaded. I couldn't help but laughing a little. I went into lion form and got ready to pounce.

I jumped out of the shadows, knocking Draco Malfoy down with me on top of him.  He looked up at me and started to pet me. I gently got off him and stood up in human form." Meowfoy might not bite but I can't say I don't." I said with a smile. He started smirking at me. " What do you want Malfoy?" I asked crossing my arms. " I want to ask you something." He started. I got butterflies in my stomach and I looked at him with fear in my eyes. " I want to know the truth about if you like me or not." I thought for a moment and replied. " No I don't like you." He started walking towards me, causing me to walk back. 

 I stopped when I felt something cold press against my back. I looked to see a wall behind me and Draco staring into my eyes, caressing my face in front of me. I don't know what powers Draco haves but whenever he looks in my eyes, I feel like I'm in a trance that I can't break out of. His one arm was gently to the side of my head and the other one was lifting my chin to meet his face more. " Kitten, don't lie to me. I can tell you like me. Your eyes tell me everything there is to know." I opened my mouth to say something but my mind was empty. I didn't know what to say back to him. " Awww, Is Kitten speechless now." He teased me.

 I gave a quick glare and stuck out my tongue at him. " Careful kitty, you might not want to stick out your tongue at me or else I give you a place to stick out your tongue." I quickly stopped and tried to move away from him but he was way too strong for me. " I don't like you so let me go." I said trying to get out of this. " Then prove it. Prove that you don't like me. If you don't like me then when I kiss you try not to kiss back. Ok deal?" He said. I thought about it for a moment and said. "NO, what if someone sees us."  He tilted my head back so his lips were inline with my neck. " Kitten there is no one here.

When he said that he used his bottom lip and traced up my neck, teasing me with whatever he had. I tried not to make a noise and I succeeded til he started nibbling at my sensitive skin and with his arm that was placed above my head, he put his hand on top of my chest and started to squeeze. A little moan came out of me. It got louder when he let his tongue go around my jaw bone. I tried to stop him but he wouldn't do it. 

Ok this is the end of the sexual part and now on with the most important scene of Chamber of Secrets. Thank you for reading my story I hope you enjoy it. cammyandgalina

Suddenly I heard a raspy voice in the air. It started out soft and then got louder." Kill, Kill,Kill." I heard it say. " Draco..." I started to say. He didn't answer he just continued what he was doing to me. " Draco, ok you win. Maybe I have a crush on you." I said hoping he would stop. He stopped what he was doing and looked down at me. " That's all you had to say you know." he said.'' You also should know that your moan is so cute." He said again while giving a smirk.

I glared at him. "Umm Draco, did you hear that?" I asked, hearing the voices once more. " What of you moaning. If it's not that then no." I opened my mouth to say something but just glared at him. I was finally free out of his griped and went to find someone who DID hear the voices. As I was walking,Draco grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. I was inches away from his face and our  tips of our lips were touching. I worked out of it and started running. I hope this never happens again.

Ok so this is where Galina will bump into Harry and they both hear the voice. Everybody knows why Harry hears it but maybe not why Galina hears it. Going on in the story Harry and Alyssa find out why I hear the voice and it is not going to be pretty. Thank you for reading this chapter. - Cammyandgalina

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