Bad News

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(Draco's POV)

I couldn't sleep last night, I was up all night wanting and thinking about Galina. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the hospital wing to see her. I stopped by her bed and she wasn't awake. I sighed sadly and looked down. I felt something on my hand and i looked up to see Galina's eyes barely open and I chuckled and kind of cried a bit. I was so happy to see her, I just wanted to put her in my arms and just hold my beautiful baby girl. Dumbledore came in with Eric and Galina's eyes opened a little more. " Ah, she is awake." Dumbledore said and Eric smiled at Galina. I looked back at Galina and took her hand in mine and kissed it. She looked back at me and finally spoke. " Draco?" she said quietly and I smiled and caressed her cheek. " How are you feeling?" I asked her and rubbed her forehead. " Better, I'm glad that is over. It's never coming back, i'm so glad." she said and I smiled at her rubbing her face in the palm of my hand.

Eric looked at Dumbledore and he sighed. " Galina, there is a very high chance this will happen again. As long as your father is alive and has strength, this will happen which is why you need to be prepared." he said and Eric nodded. " Draco, Eric, if this ever happens again, make sure you are by her every second and if her head starts spinning, lay her down and keep a hand or something on her head." Dumbledore explained and they both nodded. I remembered what Dumbledore said about when she woke up, she will be weak so I gently sat her up and her hand immediately went to her head to steady herself. I held her in my arms and she removed her hand from her head.

She let out an adorable yawn and I took her into a huge hug. Kitten mewed and i kissed her cheek. For some reason, whenever Kitten has trouble sleeping, i just put her in my arms and she falls right asleep. Eric and I carried Galina back to our room and laid her down on my bed to rest since I knew she was tired and if Galina didn't get some rest I know she will be one cranky kitty cat. " Sis, get some sleep okay." Eric told her and she nodded sleepily and yawned. Eric kissed her head and left us two. I smiled at Kitten in my robe and under the blankets and she was so fucking cute. " Kitten, I was so damn worried about you, You scared me to death and I thought I was going to loose you babe." I told her and she caressed my cheek and reach out for me. I smiled at her and got under the covers with her. I growled romantically into her neck and she giggled and pushed me to the side so she could get cozy in my arms. Galina yawned one last time before falling right asleep on my chest smiling.

In the morning....

(Galina's POV)

I woke up to Draco kissing the side of my face and down to my neck. I giggled and Draco licked my cheek. I meowed softly and he smiled and snogged me. I smiled at Draco and he roamed his hands all over me. "Dracoo" I whined and he chuckled and kissed my mark.

I stayed in bed for a bit and Draco gave me some soup to help my head. He is literally the best boyfriend ever. I kissed his cheek and played with his hair. He allowed me to mess up his hair and I laughed and continued playing around with it.

Eric came in and tried my soup. I whined and Eric chuckled and licked my face. I smiled for a bit til Eric began feeding me the soup. It taste so good and Draco read me like a spell book.

The rest of the day, I just watched a movie with Draco and did some spells and charms homework. I was glad Draco had me back in his arms and I loved it as well. The only thing was, I was scared when this will come back😧

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