Chapter 5

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I woke up with my head on my desk with my mouth wide open and drooling. I had fallen asleep grading papers after the students left and when I looked up in front of me, Trevor was standing in front of my desk.

"Good morning Ms Collins." He smiled fakely and I quickly ran my fingers through my hair to fix it.

"Sorry-I fell asleep grading." I said. I was so embarrassed and I quickly grabbed papers to make it seem like I had my shit together a little more than I did, but I dropped them and everything went everywhere.

"It's okay. You don't have to act like I didn't see you sleeping for a solid five minutes already." He said.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep-"

"Well, it's my civic duty to check all the classrooms and make sure everything is okay. Luckily I saved yours for last. You always save the best for last." He said sarcastically and I sighed. He knelt down and grabbed a portion of the papers I dropped and handed them to me.

"Why are you so tired?" He asked.

"I just am-I didn't get much sleep the past two nights-"

"Maybe if you weren't out drinking and didn't drive drunk you would be on a normal sleep schedule this week." He said.

"You know, you're really an asshole." I said.

"I'm the asshole? I don't recall putting other people's lives on line by driving under the influence." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't even that bad. Stop bringing it up." I said.

"No, I didn't arrest you so I'm allowed to bring it up whenever I want." He said.

"Can you please not say anything in front of-"

"I won't. I won't say anything in front of anyone else. I just like annoying you." He said before I could finish my sentence and I smiled weakly. He was sometimes nice.

"So why were you checking my room again?" I asked.

"It's my job." He said.

"To check rooms?" I asked.

"Sweetheart, trust me I didn't go out of my way to come and see you sleeping at your desk. It's just me doing what I was told to do by your boss." He said and I cocked an eyebrow.

"He's your boss too." I said.

"I told him I didn't want to be treated the way he was treating me in a more upfront way so he is no longer my boss. My boss is at the police station making sure his officers are doing their jobs right, which I didn't do because I let you drive home that night instead of taking you back to him. Is that fair?" He asked and I sighed.

"So you've been annoying me because you're mad at me?" I asked.

"It just bothers me. My brother died from a drunk driver and my best friend on the force died by a drunk driver. I hate when people drive drunk. It genuinely pisses me off. I shouldn't have let you drive that night, whether I knew you or not. I'm just bothered." He said and my eyes softened.

"Oh-I'm sorry. I really am. My friend was driving and I just jumped in the drivers seat because I knew she was worse than me-I know it was stupid. I know." I sighed.

"You could have really hurt yourself or someone, and as a third grade teacher I'd seriously be more careful." He said.

"I know-I'm sorry. I feel horrible and I'm embarrassed." I sighed and rubbed my temples and he nodded.

"That's all I wanted from you. An apology for being stupid. I'll leave you alone, I just hope you know it really pissed me off." He said.

"Trevor, I'm really not a bad person-"

"No one that drives drunk and harms someone is a bad person. They just don't think. I've seen too many deaths from that shit on my job. Just be safe. Don't be stupid. Your friends too." He said.

"Okay." I said softly and he walked out my room. So he only went into my room to get an apology? I felt even more horrible than I already did for driving, but I felt even worse because I didn't know what happened to his friend and brother. It made me feel like shit.

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