Chapter 154

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I went to work the next day and I felt better but was a little tired. I was on edge the entire day I was working because of the dream I had about Trevor. Whenever I had dreams about losing him, I'd actually almost lose him in real life and I was scared something was going to happen the entire day.

When I saw Jason walk into my room during my break, my heart sank. Jason never bothered me for anything. He knew to stay clear of me unless it was important.

"Hey." He said.

"Is Trev okay?" I asked and sat up.

"He's-" he paused and he nodded slowly.

"Trevor is fine. An hour ago or so he got into a situation or something with an investigation he was doing. He's not hurt or anything. He called and told me he was on his way here because he was sent home early and he needed to see you." He said and my eyes softened and I nodded.

"He couldn't have just called me?" I asked.

"He said he didn't want to make you panic." He said and I ran my fingers through my hair and nodded slowly.

"Thanks." I said.

"He'll be here soon." He said and I nodded before he walked out. I grabbed my phone and I called him immediately after.

"Trevor." I said when he answered.

"I'm fine, Bails. I'm okay." He said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I'll be there in a minute. I just parked." He said and I sighed and hung up. I waited for him to walk in my room, and when he did my heart sank. He looked exhausted and it was so visibly noticeable it made me upset. He wasn't wearing his blazer, he was wearing only his button up and jeans.

"What happened?" I asked as he walked to me and he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed me and put his hands on my stomach and I buried my face into his neck.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too. What's going on?" I asked.

"We've been investigating this gang and they've been selling drugs. We thought we were being discrete-I mean we were doing our job and what we were supposed to be doing. They caught on and we realized they caught on pretty fast. We pulled our guns on them and they pulled their guns on us. They shot and we shot. I killed two guys today. Two. I know that I had to and that they weren't good people, but they had kids and we searched them and I found a picture of two little girls in his wallet and I-" he paused and he started to get choked up.

"He had a family." He said softly and I looked up at him and cupped his cheeks.

"It's okay. I know that you feel horrible, but he was a bad person. He shouldn't have been doing what he was doing if he cared about his family. He knew the risk he was taking." I said.

"I know but his little girls. I feel so bad, Bails." He said and I cupped his cheek.

"You did what you had to in defense. If he would have killed you and saw you had a baby and one on the way, do you think he would have cared?" I asked and he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"No." He said.

"Exactly. You did what you needed to. If he wanted to risk his life and future with his children, he shouldn't have been doing what he was doing." I said and he rested his head on my shoulder. I held him tightly and he kissed my cheek.

"I was shot but it hit my vest. Nothing new." He said and I pulled away from him and looked up at him.

"Where?" I asked and he sighed and pulled his shirt up. There was a bruise on the left side of his ribs and my eyes softened.

"I'm fine. It knocked the wind out of me at first but I'm seriously fine." He said and I kissed him.

"Trev I swear whenever I have dreams about losing you I almost always come so close to it. I hate when I have those dreams. I had one last night and I was on edge all day because it didn't feel's like I know or something gives me a sign. It scares the hell out of me." I said and he nodded.

"I know. I woke up last night and realized what was going on. Don't worry about me though. Nothing will happen to me. I'm not going anywhere." He said.

"You're not indestructible." I said.

"I've gone through so much shit. I've been indestructible so far. What else can I be put through?" He asked and I sighed. He kissed me and I rested my head against his chest.

"I just want you to be safe." I said.

"We're not safe anywhere."

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