Chapter 141

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I was helping Trev get ready for the service and it was 6 in the morning. We had to be at the funeral home at 7 and I was helping Trev with his tie.

"This fucking sucks." He said as I fixed it somew nd pulled it and I kissed him softly.

"I know, but you're strong. He's still with us in ways we don't even realize." I said and he nodded slowly and looked away from me. He didn't want to cry and he was holding back tears from the time he woke up. I hated seeing him upset but especially hated seeing him cry.

"You really don't have to come. You're hurt-"

"I'm not telling you again." I warned and he sighed as he put on a belt in the mirror and I did my mascara, which I regretted as soon as I did because I knew I would be crying it off.

"You look beautiful though. Even if it's for a shitty reason." He said and I smiled weakly.

"And you look handsome. Your dad would be proud of how far you've came. You got yourself together, Trev." I said and he nodded and smiled weakly.

"I need to cry." He said and I pulled him into me. He nuzzled his head into my chest and although he wasn't making any sound, I knew he was having a mental breakdown and bawling his eyes out.

"Trev, he's watching over us and he's so proud of you. I promise he loved you so much and is so proud of how much you've grown and matured. He loved the kids so much too. He got to see his grandchildren. He knew who you were married to before he passed. He knew that you were comfortable, so he was able to let himself go. He left knowing you would be okay, and I need you to be okay." I said.

"He thought we were getting a divorce when he left." He said.

"No he didn't. Even I knew we would eventually get back we just needed a long break." I said and he sighed.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye-" he paused and he closed his eyes and I rubbed his chest.

"He knew." I said softly and he nodded and walked away from me. He needed to relax and I was letting him. He didn't want to cry and I understood completely. He went down the hall and into the bathroom and I went in our bathroom and covered the bruises on my face with make up.

"Fuck." I heard him sigh as he walked back in the bedroom and I walked out the bathroom as he sat down on the end of the bed.

"I don't even know what to tell the kids." He said.

"We'll figure it out. I promise you we will. I'm not letting you tell them alone and I'll be there with your through this entire process. I promise." I said and he nodded.

"I know I just-you know what it's like to lose a parent. Losing my mom was so hard, but my dad was there for me after everything and now he's gone too." He said softly.

"I know. I'm so sorry. I don't know what I would do if I lost my dad after losing my mom and I can't even imagine. I know how you're feeling partially though and I hate that feeling. It hurts so bad." I said and he nodded and I went over to him and kissed his cheek.

"Be careful. You're in pain too." He said softly.

"I'm fine." I said and he rubbed my thigh and I wrapped my arms around him and held him for a little while.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He said softly and he got up.

"We have to go."

* * *

During the funeral, Trev has to greet everyone in his family and he kept acting completely fine and normal and I told him multiple times that he didn't have to. He was allowed to show how he really felt.

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