Chapter 44

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Trevor left and I honestly didn't know what to do. I was sad and I missed him, but I understood that he needed time and I needed to give him that time.

I was at work and I was teaching and started telling stories to my students about Cooper and Trevor. Every now and then I would tell them stories and I was telling them about when Trevor and I came home when we first got him and he tore up the house after I said he didn't need training. They all laughed and I chuckled. It was funny to think about.

"But then we sent him away for three weeks and he came back and now he's really good. He's house trained and I can leave him to roam." I said and Mackenzie raised her hand so I called on her.

"When is Officer Prescott visiting?" She asked and my phone started ringing and it honestly scared the hell out of me because I wasn't expecting it.

"Uh-Hold on sweetheart." I said and grabbed my phone off my desk and saw it was Trevor. I declined it because I had to. I was in the middle of talking to my students.

"I think Officer Prescott is really busy right now but I hope he visits soon. I will talk to him about it." I said and my phone started ringing again and I saw it was him again and I grabbed it.

"I'm sorry. Excuse me." I said and answered it. I walked out into the hallway.

"What, Trevor? You know I'm working." I said.

"I know. I just-" he paused and he sighed.

"What?" I asked.

"I was going to visit the school and didn't know if you wanted me to or not. I'm about 5 minutes away at the moment." He said.

"Aren't you working?" I asked.

"I'm on call today. I talked to my boss and he told me sawyer could take my position so I let him today. We just have to get our pay and everything switched." He said and I smiled weakly.

"Okay. Stop by." I said.

"Okay." He said.

"See you." I said.

"See you." He said and I hung up and went back into my room.

"Okay. Officer Prescott is coming today! He asked if he could visit." I said and Mackenzie smiled widely and everyone cheered. They really did love him. There was not one kid that didn't like when he came.

"When?" Mackenzie asked excitedly.

"In about five minutes." I smiled and her face lit up. I started talking more about Cooper, and there was a knock on the door and I looked up to see him. He smiled widely and everyone got so excited. Except when he walked in, he walked in with cooper and he let him free in the classroom.

"Trevor." I warned and he went over to me and hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"What?" He asked.

"How did you get him? My house was locked." I said.

"I'm a cop. I know how to get into a house without causing damage." He said quietly.

"If one of these kids are allergic to dogs you're getting me fired." I warned.

"They're fine-is anyone allergic?" He asked and looked up at them and all of them shook there heads, but cooper was at Mackenzie and she was petting him and smiling so much and giggling when he licked her face as everyone else surrounded him and pet him.

"These are like the kids we dont have yet." He said before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and kissing my temple.

"Trevor, they're other people's kids." I said.

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