Chapter 11

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He showed up at my house and he looked so cuddly and tired. He was wearing adidas training pants and a football t-shirt and I let him in without hesitation. I really did feel bad.

"How are you feeling? Why didn't your wife take you home? That's so fucked up." I said.

"Shes at her parents in Montana. I told her and she's worried but she's not coming home because I'm fine. I told her not to. I figured I'd stop by just to see what you wanted to show me." He said and I nodded. I put the letter on the coffee table since I knew he was showing up and I grabbed it and handed it to him. He carefully sat down on the couch and winced a little before reading it.

"Dear Officer Preskott,

I hop your okay. I mised you today so good morning and be safe. My mommy lets me pray for you every nite. I hop you like my picture to.


I helped her with some of the spelling, but let her do most of it really. I honestly thought it was cute. He smiled widely and he chuckled.

"She's a sweetheart. Such an adorable sweet girl." He said and I smiled and sat down next to him.

"I promised her I'd find a way to get it to you. I'll have to let her know you won't be in tomorrow-"

"Yes I will. I'm not doing the actual cop thing until I'm healed, but my chief said I'm okay to work at the school while I'm healing. I'll be there to greet her tomorrow morning. And you." He said and I chuckled.

"You're dedicated." I said.

"No, I just love the kids and that little girl-She's so adorable. She always tells me good-morning and gives me a hug. It makes my day. Especially when it's a day you're giving me attitude." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Get over it you ass." I said and he chuckled but stopped and winced because it hurt to.

"I can't believe I was fucking stabbed." He sighed.

"Neither can I. I'm seriously glad you're okay. Even though I was a bitch the other day, I still think you're a good person and you're a friend I guess." I joked and he smiled weakly.

"Do you want anything to drink or eat?" I asked.

"Can I just have water, please?" He asked.

"No problem." I said and I got up and grabbed him one from the fridge and went back. I sat down and he opened it and drank for a while.

"How big is the wound?" I asked.

"I don't know. I passed out and then gained consciousness when back up was helping an emt and yelling at them. I couldn't focus much on that and couldn't see. I honestly didn't even know what happened until I got to the hospital. I knew he hurt me and he did something, I was just confused." He said and I pouted my lip out.

"You're tough." I said.

"I am. Thank god I am or I would have been screaming at the pain I was in. I just let it happen." He said and I kissed him. He wasn't ready for it at all so when I did he had his eyes open but closed them and followed my lead.

"I thought you said-"

"Shut up. That little girl today made me realize how good of a guy you were today and how much I actually cared about you as a person. Nothing else." I said.

"It means a lot." He said and I kissed him again and he went to sit up but groaned.

"Fuck. I can't do that yet." He sighed and held where his bandage was.

Officer PrescottWhere stories live. Discover now