Chapter 129

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I visited Trev the next day and we held each other for so long without even saying anything. We needed it so bad. We rubbed each other's backs and just stood there with our bodies squeezed together.

"I want you home." I said softly against his neck and he nodded.

"I want to be home. I want to so bad." He said.

"Have you heard anything?" I asked.

"Just that the girl refuses to take charges off me even though I literally am innocent. It's bullshit." He said and I rubbed his back in circles.

"I just hate not being able to do anything about it." I said.

"I hate it too." He said and I handed him his phone and charger and he looked up at me.

"I need to be able to hear from you at all times. It's killing me to not be able to talk to you at night before I fall asleep at least. Charge it when you can. Use it when you can and don't make it obvious. I just can't not hear from you. It breaks my heart." I said quietly so the guard couldn't hear me.

"Okay." He said and he put it in his pocket slowly as he made sure the guard wasn't watching. He kissed me after and I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Can you shave here?" I asked and he shook his head.

"And if you can I haven't found the way yet. I don't understand jail. It's really not the place for me." He said.

"Yeah. Obviously." I said and he rubbed my shoulder.

"I want to be home." He said.

"I know." I said softly.

"I asked you both multiple times to stop fucking touching each other." The guard said and I turned around.

"He's my husband and father to my children. He's completely innocent and has been through enough shit to deal with this. Let me touch my fucking husband." I said and Trev chuckled.

"She's fiesty. Watch out." Trev said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm so tired of people. I really am. When you're proven innocent were going on a vacation with the kids and were taking a fucking break." I said.

"I'm completely for it." He said.

"Fucking assholes." I mumbled.

"Your lawyer is here." The guard mumbled and Trev and I both looked up to see his lawyer holding a briefcase and he walked in.

"Hey, Trevor." He said.

"Hey." He said and let go of me slowly but he still held my hand. He rubbed my thumb and his lawyer sat down at a table and motioned for us to sit too.

"Okay. I have some options for you for when we go to court next week. Now, you're claiming innocent. Not guilty. Which is fine and I want you to. However, it might not end great and things may be brought up that would make you be proven guilty-"

"He didn't do it though. He's not guilty." I said.

"Okay-I'm talking to Trevor. I know you're upset but I need to make sure his shit is together or your husband isn't coming home for life." He said and my eyes softened. Trev didn't even try to correct him. I knew he knew what he was doing, but everyone was treating him like he was a criminal.

"Now. Right now we're pleading not guilty. I will explain and do all the talking. Do not say a word to anyone and do not say anything in the court room unless you are asked to. I'm serious. Do not let your temper get the best of you even if something is said that may piss you off." His lawyer said and trev nodded.

"Okay." He said.

"Will I get out of this?" Trev asked.

"I fucking hope so." He said and Trev ran his fingers through his hair and I grabbed his hand.

"Stop." I said.

"If I'm actually convicted of this I'm done." He said and he drug his hands down his face before getting up.

"You wont be, Trev." I said softly and I got up.

"I know but the videos look exactly like me and it's not me. I wouldn't do that and I dont understand how this happened so fast to me." He said and I shook my head.

"You were set up. You had to be." I said and his lawyer got up.

"I'll see you in trial on Friday, okay? Just keep quiet and let me talk." His lawyer said.

"Thanks." Trev said and he left. Trev ran his fingers through his hair over and over and he punched a soda machine to the side before cursing.

"Trevor. Stop. You're okay." I said.

"I fucking pray I am."

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