Chapter 1: Welcome to Salvia High School

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"Hurry up Kaila you're going to be late!" Rosemary called out to her daughter from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming!" Kaila yelled quickly throwing on a light jacket and running to gather her things before shoving them into her light blue backpack. The small girl with long wavy blond hair wearing a white polo tucked into her red checkered skirt had forgotten to set her alarm this morning. 'Great way to start the new year Kaila!' She scolding herself.

She raced down the steps meeting her mother's death stare. "It's your first day and you're already going to be late." She rolled her eyes annoyed as she crossed her arms.

"I won't be, I've still got five minutes til my bus leaves." Kaila tried to defend herself but as if on cue her father, Kyle, walked in through the front door.

"You mean that bus?" He questioned pointing at a bus at the end of the street. Kaila's eyes popped open looking out at it, she growled in annoyance as she threw her bag over her shoulder and sprinted out the door. She hadn't even looked back to see if her parents were going to tell her bye, knowing them they probably already shut the door ready to finally get some peace and quiet.

She was making ground fast. She could see the driver of the bus watching her run for dear life down the street. And just as she had hope of making it, the doors to the bus shut beginning to slowly roll away.

"No! Stop!" She screamed at it, sprinting even faster than before. "I know you saw me!" She screamed mainly to herself waving her fist around. Her hair was brushing past her face through the wind, and the stench of a morning run began to surrounded her.

Kaila had never run so fast before, given her short structure, her legs had never been able to show such power. Through her perseverance she was able to make it to the next bus stop before it got there. She huffed trying to catch her breathe just as the bus pulled up in front of her and the metal doors squeaked open.

She gave the driver a side eye as she scanned her bus pass before looking to see all the passengers staring at her. It was clear her little marathon was everyone's favorite show this morning. The glares and nose scrunches she got set her off.

Every seat she looked at was taken. To make matters worst there we're people standing all over the bus just holding onto hand guard attached to the roof.

As she walked down the aisle of the bus all eyes stayed on her. She blushed given all the attention, which didn't help given her face which was already a bright shade of red from exhaustion. As she passed people by she could hear them whispering about her, especially from a group of four girls all in the same school uniform sitting in the middle of the bus.

Not having any other choice Kaila stood at the edge of a row of seats. She didn't even looked twice at the passengers sitting besides her as they pushed closer to the window. She hung her head low the entire ride holding onto the hand guard. 'What a great way to start your senior year, Kaila. Now you can be the laughing stock of the school that you haven't even gotten to yet. Way to set a new record.'

Deciding to just relax and forget about her horrible morning she spent the rest of the ride quietly composing herself.

Finally getting to her stop, Kaila along with the other kids stepped off. While everyone else disappeared into their different cliques, Kaila was stuck standing in the middle of the school ground not knowing what to do. She froze seeing the massive building in front of her with a small sign hanging over head welcoming students both new and old.

It seemed as if in an instant the bell rang signally everyone inside. She got lost within the crowd of hundreds of other students all pushing their way in through the front doors of the building.

Luckily for her, one of the first things she saw inside was a sign for the front office. She managed to make her way through the crowd over to the office. And after some tough convincing that her parents would fill out the required paperwork to the secretary later Kaila was given her schedule. Asking for the paperwork for her parents she pocketed them into her bag knowing there was no way she was going to actually hand those to them. She'd been forging their signatures for years now. Sometimes she couldn't even remember her own and unconsciously signed as her mother.

Leaving the office Kaila searched the now empty halls. Class had started during Kaila's small argument with the old secretary woman. As she walked down the quiet halls with lockers and posters for different clubs on either wall she searched for her first class of the day, math.

After some time she finally knocked on a hard wooden door meeting the eyes of a man in a formal suit with no blazer gazing back at her. Even from her position outside of class she could see his inaudible groan as he walked over.

"You're late." He announced looking down at Kaila with a blank face.

"I'm sorry. It's my first day, and I got lost trying to-"

He cut her off holding a hand up to her face, "save the excuses just get in." He moved out of the way opening the door wider for them.

'Well aren't you friendly?' She took one last look at all the wrinkles on his forehead and a single mole on his cheek.

Taking a quick breathe Kaila gulped as she slowly dragged herself in. Half the class was too busy daydreaming or dozing off to notice the small girl, but the other half just watched her agonizingly slow movements. "Go ahead and sit wherever." Her instructor said before getting back to his lesson.

Finding an empty seat in the far corner of the room Kaila sat putting her bag on her small desk. Looking around the room she could see the same four girls from the bus in the opposite side of the room glaring at her before turning away with a look of disgust.

Kaila turned away unzipping her bag and pulled out a notebook. Trying to tune into the lesson she began writing whatever notes she could in order to distract herself from the girls in the opposite corner. 'One more year,' Kaila brought hope to her mind as she began to faze out of the boring lesson and doodled little drawings on the corner of her page.

The remainder of class Kaila was sat distracted by her own drawings to care about the lesson. When the bell rang and everyone around her stood up to leave class, she shut her bag and threw it over her shoulder. Kaila kept her notebook in her arms as she headed towards her next class.

Unlike last time she actually knew where she was going. After passing the room while looking for math, Kaila headed that direction. Nobody in the halls had paid her any attention. To them she was just another student, trying to conceal a smile she sighed in relief. Her next class had gone great given that the girls from earlier weren't here.

She saw some familiar faces but apart from that she was free to relax. School had been going great from that point on. Kaila was able to pay attention to her classes and was understanding the material exceptionally well. But all good things must come to an end. For Kaila that was with lunch.
A/N: As promised I present to you all Salvia High School! ❤️ I hope you all enjoy the new twists and turns I have in store for this one.

Let me know what you think about the school so far. Thanks Lexx signing off

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