Chapter 52: The Parlor

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Friday was uneventful. Other than Kaila being extra clingy to the couple their day had gone on just fine. Even as Kaila ran and played with the equipment in the backyard after school the couple weren't surprised to find out that she wouldn't play without them.

Refusing to sleep in her own room last night, Kaila found herself waking up to the sound of Mallix snoring. She groaned as she stretched her arms finding the spot on the other side of her empty.

Looking around at the dimly lit room she couldn't find trace of Lain. Instead all she saw was the door propped open.

But rather than going to look for her, Kaila was too tired and shut her eyes back on the pillow. That was before she realized how difficult it was to sleep with Mallix snoring as loud as he did into her ear.

Wanting desperately to get away from the noise she dragged herself out of bed wandering the halls. With the sun just peering into the house, it allowed her some vision.

"Mommy?" She called out softly.

"Over here baby." Kaila got a response coming from the dining room. Making her way there tiredly she saw Lain sitting on the table with papers all in front of her.

Climbing into the tall girls lap, she buried her head into Lain's chest. "What are you doing up so early? It's Saturday." Lain stopped what she was doing to address the half asleep girl.

"Daddy's snoring too loud." She complained.

Lain chuckled gently. "Now you see what I have to deal with every night. At least he wasn't sleep talking."

"How you talk when you sleeping?" Kaila innocently looked up at her.

"I'm not sure honey, but daddy tends to do that sometimes. Why don't you go back to bed, it's too early for little girls to be awake." She patted softly on Kaila's back watching as the small girl shut her eyes half way.

"Go on and sleep for mommy, baby." Lain cooed.

Kaila whined out sleepily, "paci mommy."

Smiling Lain gently set Kaila on her hip as she retrieved one of Kaila's Aladdin pacifiers and plopped it into her mouth. Kissing Kaila's nose, Lain sat back down in front of her homework as she hummed the girl back to bed.

A few hours later Kaila woke up back in her crib with Elie tucked under her arm and her pacifier hanging half way out of her mouth. Seeing the sun that shined through the edge of the window, Kaila woke up straight away.

Shuffling out of her blanket she grabbed hold of the bars trying to drop it like she had seen Mallix and Lain do countless times. But unbeknownst to her, it didn't budge.

The more she tried the more irritated she became at the barrier stopping her from getting out. "Mommy! Daddy!" She shouted from behind the pacifier.

In a matter of seconds the couple came flying into the room. Both of them awed at their girl with bed hair as she sat shaking the bars roughly.

"No baby we don't shake the gate." Mallix scolded softly as they walked over to their pouty girl.

"Out." She whined lifting her arms up for them.

Smiling, Lain dropped the gate with ease as she lifted the small girl up and onto her hip. "Did you sleep good?" She asked as they walked out towards the bathroom.

Kaila nodded rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. "Daddy and I were thinking we could go out and get that ice cream of yours today. What do you think?"

The second Lain said those two delicious words, Kaila bounced excitedly nodding her head. "I figured you'd be happy to hear that. We also have to go to a special event afterwards for daddy today."

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