Chapter 31: Destressing

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Once Mallix parked in their driveway, Lain grabbed Kaila out of the car and took her into their home. She carried the small girl into their bedroom while Mallix was in the kitchen preparing something new and special.

Lain attempted to put her down on the bed but Kaila only whined louder. "No more tears baby. I'm just going to get you some comfy clothes really quick." She had to pry the small girls tiny hands off of her shirt before setting her down on the large bed and quickly walking towards their closet.

The little one tried to get up and follow Lain but the tall brunette only turned around with one of Mallix's shirts looking at her firmly. "Stay on the bed."

Kaila instantly shrunk back down not letting her tears dry. All she wanted was to be held again.

Elie was still tightly held in her hands. The girl never let the stuffed animal go. She held Elie up to her face brushing the soft grey fur against her cheek.

She didn't want to be alone.

With her eyes closed she felt her body being laid down and repositioned on the bed with her skirt gently being twisted.

She opened her eyes seeing Lain tapping her buttons. "I'm going to take these clothes off and put you into something more cozy. Can you lie still for me?" She looked at Kaila with soft eyes waiting for permission.

But that only forced louder cries out of the poor girl. Lain hushed her once again, "princess it's alright. If you want to get changed by yourself that's perfectly fine." She assured placing the large shirt besides the small girl.

But Kaila didn't want that. She shook her head aggressively reaching for Lain's hand and held it tightly in her own. "I think my little girl wants me to do it but is too shy to ask for it." Lain cooed lifting their hands towards her mouth and placed a kiss on Kaila's.

Even behind all her sobs Kaila felt herself blush. She didn't want to do anything at the moment. She was still too overwhelmed by everything Lauren said to want to move at all.

"It's okay honey, how about I just help you this time." Lain booped Kaila's nose before kissing it.

Not wanting to embarrass the little girl anymore than she felt, Lain rushed to gently remove the uniform from Kaila's body.

As soon as the cold air hit Kaila's sensitive skin she started squirming wanting to be warm and held again.

"I know it's cold isn't it? Don't worry princess, I'm almost done." As soon as she got Kaila into Mallix's large shirt she lifted the small girl back up onto her hip. "There you go. Isn't that much better?" She bounced rubbing circles on her back.

Kaila just hid back away into her neck. Elie was tucked away tightly in her arms. It worried Lain to know that her cries hadn't gotten any better.

Seeing Mallix rushing into their room he stood besides her showing the bottle of milk in his hands. They both shared a worried look with one another.

They did say they would try younger things for Kaila, but this certainly wasn't how they were anticipating it happening.

As they both nodded to the idea Lain brushed Kaila's hair stuck to her wet face out of the way. "How about we cuddle now baby?" She rhetorically asked settling Kaila down in the middle of their bed.

Lain got on one side as Mallix got on the other being mindful of the bottle.

Feeling both warm bodies besides her keeping a secure hold on her shaking body felt much better than just the one. Eventually after some calming reassurances Kaila's shaking had finally come to an end.

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