Chapter 63: The Visitors

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As a new week started the couple hadn't changed attitudes towards one another. And after a rather long argument they had yesterday, Lain took it upon herself to stay home for the new week to try and collect herself.

She could see the tear building within her small group and it was only bringing her further down. Deciding to use this week to mend her broken heart she stayed laying in bed as Mallix woke up early in the morning to begin their usual morning routine.

Right after he made his morning shake, he snuck into their room and placed a small note on Lain's bedside table along with a gentle kiss on the forehead.

For as stubborn as he was, he too could see the division growing amongst their friends. It was difficult for him to go about his day alone, but he had no other choice. Quietly leaving the room Mallix left for practice.

It wasn't until around early lunch did Lain finally wake up. Opening her eyes in one easy motion she hadn't felt more energized before. Jumping out of bed she instantly got herself ready for the day.

As she finished dressing in her day clothes, she began to tidy up her room. Getting towards the headboard she noticed the small folded up piece of paper on her bedside table.

She paused momentarily before going back to cleaning the room. She wasn't going to distract herself with whatever Mallix had to say to her. Once the room was cleaned and she felt her stomach grumble, Lain began to walk away.

But she froze. Standing in the doorway to her room her curiosity got the best of her. Sighing she went back and sat on her neatly made bed as she opened Mallix's note.


These past two weeks have been more unpredictable than either of us could've ever imagined. So much is happening and yet nobody is talking about it. I haven't seen everybody so down in ages. I'm pretty sure you and I both know what this means. We need to get our Kaila back. And we need to get her back now. Or at the very least find out how she's doing. It kills me going to bed without her or you. When I come home today, you and I are going straight over to her place. But until then try and rest up babe, I know you've been stressing about this the most. I'll be home soon.

Love always,


She read to herself hearing Mallix's voice whispering it into her ear. Feeling a droplet fall down her cheek she sniffled as she held the note tightly in her hand as she stood up.

Packing the note away into her pocket, Lain left the room to finally fix herself something to eat.

After a few hours of her struggling to find something to do to pass the time, she heard the front door unlock from the living room.

Standing off the couch she nervously watched as Mallix entered. He dropped his bag besides the door as he caught sight of her. Seeing a small grin on her face was enough to make his entire mood brighten.

After the argument they had about when was the appropriate time to check on Kaila, he was anxiously going throughout his day not knowing whether or not Lain had even read his note.

"Hey..." she shyly smiled as she walked over to him.

"Hey." He looked down seeing a piece of his note sticking out of the top of her pocket. "I see you got my letter."

She nodded meeting his eyes. "Did you mean it? Are you really ready to go see how she's doing?"

"I am." He said firmly. With the front door still open he stepped out of the way making room for Lain. "After you." He gestured, smirking from behind as his girlfriend walked out in front of him.

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