Chapter 80: Adventure Awaits

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After the incident with Alia and Rose, the group of friends hadn't had an issue with them since. As the week progressed they only managed to exchange a few threatening glances but nothing above that.

Without any more distractions, Lain and Mallix were attending practice regularly again. With nothing to hold them back, they put all their effort into it.

Now as the week was coming to a close, the nine friends all gathered out by the parking lot after school.

They chattered for a little while before parting ways. As each family left the night came to a calming end.

"Wakey wakey." Kaila heard Lain saying softly to her as she brushed the hair out of the little girls face. Unresponsive Lain chuckled as she lifted her sleepy girl out of her crib with Elie still in her hands.

Finding her shoulder comfortable, Kaila rested her head into the tall girls neck to provide some darkness for her slumber. "Sorry baby, but mommy needs you to wake up." Lain brought her face back out.

Kaila whined as she opened her eyes seeing the bright sun peering into her open window.

"I know you're sleepy, but you can sleep later. We've got to get you ready for today." Lain cheered.

"Why?" Kaila mumbled around the pacifier she had in her mouth.

"Don't you remember?" Shaking her head Lain sighed. "You have just as bad a memory as daddy." She pressed a kiss onto her pouting girls cheek. "Uncle James said he would take you on his day out with Faye and Lauren." She reminded.

After some persuading from Mallix he had gotten his brother to agree to let Kaila tag along on his day out. With Alex and Zander out on another date, it was just going to be James and the girls. Not to mention the free day would allow Lain and Mallix time to focus and finish the rest of the stack of papers Lain needed to complete to stay on the team.

But at the mention of her friends Kaila perked up right away. After she got ready for the day with Lain, Kaila was already jumping with energy.

Mallix couldn't help but chuckle. He could hear Kaila a mile away from how loud she was giggling. As the sound got louder he knew it was only a matter of time before his quiet time to relax was over.

Placing his mug of coffee down on the table, he watched as Kaila ran out of the hallway with Elie and into his arms.

The small girl was dressed in an adorable dress with a matching headband to complete the look. She was still wiggling and moving around as he situated her on his lap.

Kaila was bouncing Elie off the table as she sung a tune completely lost in her own head. "Let's not play with Elie at the table precious. She may get dirty." He grabbed the elephant and sat it down in Kaila's lap.

"Let's leave her here until you finish eating." He said bringing a fork full of pancake to her mouth.

"Look she like me!" Kaila laughed with her mouth full pointing at Elie. Mallix tilted his head at her. She gulped her food down before smiling, "she sit in my lap and I sit in yours!"

Nodding, Mallix laughed. As Lain returned with her own plate of food, she sat down smiling at how much she loved her little family.

Turning to his girlfriend, Mallix asked, "how much longer til James comes over?"

"He said he'd be here at ten. So we have a little over an hour left."

"You hear that sweetheart." He turned to look at Kaila. "We have an hour left to cuddle." He cheerfully said as he finished feeding Kaila her plate.

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