Chapter 30: Rumor Has It

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Letting go of Kaila's shaking hand, Lain stepped in Lauren's face. "I thought you'd be smarter than to come up and bother us again." Her voice was scarily deep.

"Lighten up Nessie. If haven't you heard it's freak season. I was only enjoying the show." She laughed seeing the flames erupting out of both Lain and Nina's eyes.

Getting even closer Lain growled,  "you are really testing my limits today."

Pushing Lain out of her face, Lauren looked at her with no fear. "It's not my fault. What kind of person carries stuffed animals in school?! How can you expect me not to laugh?!"

"It's none of your business why she has the animal! Leave Kaila out of this!" Nina stepped forwards much to the small girls discomfort.

Kaila stood feet away from her friends now.  Sure they had both stood up to Lauren for her, but she would've preferred staying by their side.

She didn't want to be far behind them. They were her safeguards. She felt vulnerable being as far away as she was. But she didn't want to move closer in fear of what Lauren might say if she had.

"Or what?" Lauren looked with a raised eyebrow at Nina.

Nina's breathing picked up rapidly and the temptation was almost too unbearable not punch Lauren's front teeth right out of her mouth.

As the pressure rose the girls behind Lauren stepped to her side. "Let's just go Laur, these losers aren't worth it." Alia tired to pull Lauren back, but the egocentric girl only shoved her off.

"No. Go ahead Nina. Or what? What're you going to do?!" She prompted again getting even closer to Nina's face. "God! How can you guys even back up a freak like her! She's carrying a stuffed elephant in the hallways for Heaven's sake! She's a goddamn baby!"

Eventually the temptation was too much. With one clean hit Nina knocked Lauren down to the ground.

"What the hell?!" Both Alia and Rose raced down to Lauren's side trying to help her up.

"Get away from me!" Lauren spat at them groaning as she got up herself holding onto her nose. There was a constant stream of fresh blood pouring out. As she got back onto her own two feet she hazily threw a blow at Nina.

Lauren missed terribly as she punched the air far off from where Nina was standing. With another easy blow, Lauren was back on the floor and Nina had barely broken a sweat.

"Just stay down Fendly!" Nina barked at her.

"You can't do that to her!" Rose shouted from far away looking tough with her shiny jeweled notebook covering half her face.

"Yeah!" Rose joined in even further behind Alia.

The girls both waited a second but when they heard no response they turned around irritated once again at the girl furthest of them all.

"Y...yeah." Faye quietly said playing with her long straight hair keeping her blue eyes glued to the ground.

Both Lain and Nina felt for the girl, they knew she didn't belong with the group of rotten apples she'd call friends. But they were too preoccupied with the other three to say anything.

Just as Lain went to say something to the two girls throwing pointless threats her way, Lauren smirked on the floor. Swiping her leg under Nina, the tall beauty fell hard on her back.

Nina groaned being in so much pain. All while Lauren stood up chuckling at the sight before feeling yet another hard landing on her face.

While not enough to knock her down, Lain was in no point ready to stop. After another few punches there was blood spewing everywhere on the floor and on her hands.

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