Chapter 74: Departure

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Outside Kaila and Faye stayed quiet hiding behind a small rock wall while Zander stood with his eyes closed at the other end of the yard besides Mallix. Counting to thirty, Zander laughed as he shouted out, "ready or not here I come!"

Racing away from the taller boy, he searched the entire yard looking for the girls. Mallix stayed back monitoring the game for the kids.

Playing outside while the sun started setting was breathe taking. Kaila watched as the sun lowered itself to the peak of a nearby mountain.

Closing her eyes for a moment she took a deep breathe in. Exhaling completely she smiled as her eyes reopened and peace filled her entire soul. She was happy to be back. Happy to see her friends, her room, Lain and Mallix. Everything just seemed perfect.

Even Lauren's presence couldn't ruin how grateful Kaila felt to have someplace like this to turn to for safety.

Trapped in her own train of thought, Kaila completely blanked out ignoring Faye's frantic warnings as Zander approached them. Seeing Faye had run half way across the yard, Zander was closing in on Kaila alone.

Before she even had a chance to react the small boy tapped her shoulder. "I found you!" He laughed.

Kaila chuckled as he took off in Faye's direction. Rather than following him, Kaila saw Mallix waving his hand for her to come towards him. Skipping with each step the small girl felt her body being lifted up with ease.

He kissed her cheek as she blushed returning the favor. Cuddling close to one another, they watched as Zander chased Faye all around the yard. For as small as she was, her legs were powerful. Taking off in random directions she was able to throw Zander off her trail a few times making the gap between them even larger.

"Think he'll catch her?" Kaila heard Mallix playfully say to her.

Shaking her head Mallix laughed.

"I think he'll do just fine." The two of them turned towards the back door seeing Alex standing there idly watching them. He smiled for them as he walked closer. "Dinners ready."

As he nodded, Mallix called for the kids. Over his shoulder Kaila watched as Faye stopped upon hearing the news seeing Zander swiftly catching up and tapping her shoulder. "Got you!" He cheered.

"Aw..." Faye pouted.

As Zander walked in behind Mallix who was still carrying Kaila, Alex put his hand out in front of Faye before she could enter. Making sure the coast was clear, he bent down to her level and whispered into her ear. "Your mama would like to have a word with you in your room."

She gulped nodding at the message.

While everyone was in the dining room as the plates were being set, Faye found Nina sitting all alone on her bed waiting for her.

Seeing her little girl toddling in, Nina tapped the spot besides her. As Faye curled up into her side Nina kissed the top of her head. "Did you have fun playing today?" She asked.

Nodding her head Faye couldn't help but worry what Nina wanted to talk to her about.

Seeing the anticipation building in her eyes, Nina decided to skip the pleasantries. "I was talking with Lauren earlier and I was thinking we could all go back to my place tonight. Have our own space to talk about some other things. Doesn't that sound nice?"

Faye looked worried as she grabbed Nina's hand. "I in trouble?" She asked.

"What? No baby. Why would you be in trouble? No, sweet girl your perfect. Mama just has some things that I would like to talk with you about with Lauren alone."

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