Chapter 10: Nurses Office

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"Kaila?! You look awful!" Mallix rushed over to the small girl seeing the bruise still slightly apparent on her cheek. "What happened to you?!" He ushered her under the shade where everyone else was stunned seeing the girl in pieces.

"I...I..." she hesitated. More pressure began to build up. This wasn't how she intended today to be at all. She had been looking forwards to today and with the way things started, she was more nervous for what else the day had in store for her.

"Oh my god! She's bleeding!" They heard Nina yell from the side pointing down at Kaila's hand. A light stream could be seen running down her fingers. She couldn't even feel it.

Grabbing the small girl by her shoulders Lain pushed Mallix back softly getting down on one knee in front of Kaila examining the cut. "Why do you have a bruise and an open cut?! You were completely fine yesterday when we saw you in home ec!"

Alex and Zander both moved in closer to the group when they could see eyes wandering their direction. The commotion was drawing unwanted attention and they didn't need that. Using their bodies to obstruct their view they acted as body guards as everyone else resolved the issue.

"Kaila I need you to answer me." Mallix got down on his knee besides Lain seeing fresh tears brewing in Kaila's eyes. Grabbing hold of her hand with no cut he kissed the back of it. The gesture only worried Kaila more. Her eyes instantly shot towards Lain. Last thing she wanted to do was make the first person to have shown her some kind of compassion at this school to hate her. But to her surprise Lain only smirked with pitiful eyes.

"What happened?" Lain tried again softly.

Taking a deep breathe Kaila's words were low, "I...I fell!" She covered. Don't get her wrong, Lauren had no place to slap or trip her as hard as she did but Kaila didn't want to make the rivalry between the two groups any more violent than they already were.

"Fell?" Mallix was almost thrown back. "What did you fall on? Cause this is a pretty nasty cut and that bruise looks like it hurts."

"I was getting on the bus this morning...and when I went to find somewhere...I...I tripped over my own feet."

"Kaila is that really what happened?" Nina leaned in closer seeing a dim look appear on Kaila's face.

Nodding her head quickly Kaila felt her chin being grabbed gently and pulled to look to her side. Staring Nina directly in the eyes the tall beauty looked sternly as she spoke, "are you lying to us?"

Kaila felt like her heart was pounding so hard that everyone around could hear it. She felt like she was about to explode by all the pressure.

Until eventually she did.

"It was Lauren!" She panicked looking all around trying to see if Lauren was around to hear her.

"What?!" Everyone turned looking at Kaila in unison. The confusion and anger on all of their faces confirmed Kaila's worry.

"What did that stuck up brat do?!" Nina's soft eyes changed. Kaila could almost see a red tint shining through her dark crystal orbs.

"Well...yesterday I was trying to get to the bus after school but she slapped me. Then this morning I got onto the bus and she tripped me." Kaila's face was red and the tears that were brewing had been spewing down her cheeks.

Lain curled her fist. The force making her knuckles white. "Why?" She grinded her teeth together.

When Kaila shrugged her shoulders that set everyone off. Even Alex and Zander who had been standing in the back speechless were furious. "Z take Kaila to the nurses office to get her hand cleaned up. We're going to go and pay Lauren a visit." Lain ordered.

Zander nodded grabbing Kaila's wrist as he rushed them into the school building knowing better than to oppose Lain when she's like this. Kaila gulped fearing the trouble she had just caused. 'Not even a week and look at all the drama. You should have never gotten yourself involved with people!' She screeched internally wanting nothing but to curl up and cry.

Zander kept her pulled close to his side shielding her red tear soaked face from those who looked over. After a few minutes the two of them ended up in the nurses office.

Kaila looked up seeing a woman in a white coat walk over to them. Empty beds ran along the walls of the room. "Can I help you two?" She sweetly asked seeing the distress on Kaila's face.

"Yeah, my friend here has a cut on her hand." Zander eased his hold off of Kaila and pushed her towards the nurse.

"I'm sure I can do something about that. Let's take a look shall we?" She walked over gently grabbing Kaila's bleeding hand and observed the cut. "It isn't too deep the wound. It's just dirty. I'll clean it up and give you a bandaid."

Gesturing over to one of the nearby beds, Zander escorted Kaila and helped her sit. When he went to walk away towards a separate part of the room with waiting chairs he felt Kaila grab on tightly to his arm with her clean hand. He looked back seeing her worried face.

"Sorry..." she mumbled letting him go looking down. 'Why did you just do that?! You're suppose to be distancing yourself from them now! Not getting closer!'

"Don't worry I'll stay here besides you." He smiled taking hold of her clean hand. Their fingers locked as he watched Kaila turn even redder.

'He didn't leave me?!' As much as she should have refused him, the comfort was much needed in this situation.

After the nurse gathered the supplies from the cupboards she approached Kaila taking another look at the cut. "Alright this is going to sting a little." She warned before placing a cloth with water on it to her skin.

A jolt of pain instantly shot through her entire arm. Kaila wanted to yank her hand away from the nurse cautiously trying to clean her wound, but Zander's hold kept her sane. He whispered reassurances into her ear every step of the way.

"And I'm all done." The nurse announced. When Kaila looked down she had a small bandaid placed over her cut.

"Thank yo-." Zander was about to finish as he was going to let go of Kaila's hand before the nurse stood up and cut him off.

"What happened here?" She pointed to the bruise on Kaila's face. "Here I'll get you an ice pack to take." Disappearing once again back to the supplies, the nurse came back with a small ice pack wrapped around in paper towels and handed it to Kaila.

"Now you're all good to go." She smiled standing proudly as Zander helped Kaila off the bed. When the small girl put the cold pack to her face she wanted to scream from its intensity. Trying to keep a somewhat calm composure she waved leaving the nurses office with Zander before removing the freezing bag off her face.

The two of them stopped in an empty hallway taking a moment to breathe. "Thanks for staying with me." She looked up at Zander.

"Not a problem. Trust me I preferred being here than with them. I may be upset and want to see some justice for what Lauren did, but I know me and I wouldn't be able to do anything. I'd freeze if I were with them."

"What exactly are they going to do to her?" She looked up with shaking eyes.

" know I don't know what specifically but something tells me the nurse will be seeing Lauren soon. We can go and find them if you'd like?" When Kaila nodded to his proposal he wrapped an arm around her waist keeping the ice pack to her face while guiding her around trying to find the rest of the group.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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