Chapter 21: Baby Toys

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Nina and Lain were deep into their own conversation as Mallix continued keeping a close eye on the small girl besides him.

With a plate full of vegetables scattered around Kaila stood up. "I'm going to go back to play now!" She squealed excited to get back to the soft toy elephant she'd grown to love.

But as she scooted her chair back Mallix stopped it with his foot. "You can play after you've eaten more of those vegetables." He used her fork to scoop the rest of them into a small pile.

"But I already ate some." She protested.

"Good but you've got more to eat. I didn't put that many on your plate. You can do it." Up until his last statement Kaila was doing fine. But those four words made her blush hard. The way he encouraged her was new.

Taking her seat again, Mallix was happy to find Kaila taking small bites of the vegetables. As he continued eating Kaila had slowly leaned in closer to him. By the time she was only a few inches away he looked down at her. "Is everything okay?"

She nodded chewing the brightly colored mush from off her plate. "I see you're almost done. Do you think you can take just three more big bites for me? If you do then I'll let you go run back to your toys." He whispered not wanting her to turn any redder.

That instantly sparked her mood. Throwing the three bites into her mouth she angrily looked at him. Those three bites were all it took for her to finish her plate.

He chuckled seeing her with furrowed eyebrows and pieces of vegetable sticking out of her full mouth. Kaila stood again just happy to have fulfilled her half of the deal, but was even more upset when she was stopped again.

"Finish chewing what's in your mouth and then you can go." She rolled her eyes at him but did as instructed. When she tried for a third time to be let off the table she was happily met with a nod from him as she sped away.

Lain and Nina noticed her blur past them by. Looking at Mallix, he motioned with his eyes down to her empty plate. Smiling at the sight Lain returned to her conversation with Nina.

Back in the living room Kaila had snatched the small stuffed elephant off the floor and brought it up onto the couch with her. Shaking it around the rattling noise once again was music to her ears. 'Why is this so fun?' She questioned the longer she sat doing nothing but shaking the elephant.

She stopped lifting it up to examine the stuffed elephant but the second the rattling ceased she was unsure why a frown formed on her face. Throwing the thought from out of her mind she wiped the frown off and studied the elephant.

The perfectly sized stuffing of the creature was appealing and the soft and subtle noises that echoed out of its inner hallow chamber was fascinating. She felt like the longer she examined the toy the more confused she became by its simple design. 'How is something so simple so entertaining?' She gripped onto the elephants body tightly before shaking it around again.

Before she knew it Nina had waltzed back into the room with her. Taking a seat besides Kaila, Nina laughed as the small girl stopped and put the elephant in her lap.

The pout that came back only made Nina laugh harder inside. "Do you like the elephant?"

Kaila nodded shyly looking up at her. After their encounter earlier, Kaila couldn't lie. She was intimidated by the tall beauty.

"Can I show you something?" Nina asked holding her hand out for the animal. But Kaila shook her head keeping her grip on the elephant tight and secure.

"Alright I get it." She uncomfortable chuckled throwing her hands up in defense. "Is something bothering you Kaila?"

The little girl shook her head keeping her glare on the carpet under her. But Nina moved closer gently lifting Kaila's chin to meet her eyes. "Is it because I had to tell you to come eat earlier?"

Kaila wanted to shake her head desperately but the only thing that came out was a small stutter of noises. "Did I scare you?" Nina asked wrapping an arm around Kaila.

When she nodded her head Nina felt guilty inside. She didn't want this to happen on her first day on aunty duty. "I'm sorry. I was just trying to get you to come eat."

"I forgive you..." Kaila quietly said looking back up at Nina who had a wide smile.

Squeezing Kaila tightly into a hug Nina jumped up from her seat. "Mind if I play with you?" She asked sitting on the floor where Kaila had left the remaining toys.

Kaila chuckled and nodded getting settled besides her. As they laughed and played, Nina had to go through the motion and explain using imagination to the small girl. It was a little concerning seeing how little the girl knew about something so basic. But nonetheless Nina happily explained and demonstrated it to Kaila.

A few hours had passed and the two hadn't moved from the living room. The only difference is that Lain and Mallix had joined them.

As the four of them were in the middle of playing, they could hear the sound of a car pulling up outside on their driveway. A few minutes later, Alex and Zander came in through the door. Zander was still as hyper as ever as he bounced off the walls with a bag in his hand. But as soon as Alex walked in everyone could see his half exhausted half grateful expression. They were shocked when they saw his arms filled with bags.

"You guys took a lot longer than I was anticipating." Lain looked over to Alex as he sighed putting the bags down and fell tiredly onto the couch.

"We stopped at every single store in that place and came out with at least one thing from each of them." He mumbled out as his eyes threatened to shut.

"And best of all Alex let us go to that mini golf arena that's inside!" Zander cut in still bouncing on his toes.

"Who won?" Nina asked leaning closer to him.

Zander looked down pointing at Alex. "Hey he only won by like one point!" Zander defender before a tired Alex stood up besides him.

"More like twenty." He chuckled.

Zander crossed his arms playfully looking away hurt. "What are you guys doing?" He noticed their small set up on the floor as his eyes brushed over them.

The panic that set in their eyes was subtle. "Just checking out some new toys I bought." Nina spewed out.

"You bought baby toys? Why?" Lain, Mallix, and Nina all silently scowled at Zander while their eyes all made their way to Kaila who sat still looking with wide eyes at the elephant in her hands.

"For a friend. She's just had a baby!" Again Nina quickly said.

"Then why are you guys playing with it?"

"Just because we wanted to make sure they work!"

"But then why-" as Zander was ready with another question that would force Nina's mind to think of an excuse off the top of her head Alex stepped in.

"Let them be Z. Come help me take all packages to your room." Alex leaned over picking up nearly all the bags again as the younger boy nodded helping with the mess.

As the two of them left the room the rest of them all looked to each other in relief. "These are baby toys?" Kaila asked immediately looking at everyone else with a curious face.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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