Chapter 89: Welcome to My House

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"Are you sure you're going to be alright without us tonight ?" Lain turned around from the passenger seat of the car facing Kaila.

The small girl was already in a night onesie with her hair in braids as she kicked her feet excitedly and nodded her head from her booster seat in the back of the car.

Mallix shut the engine off as he turned to face his little girl as well. "What did we talk about back at home?"

"To call if I need you!" Kaila said proudly as she began yanking on the seat belt that crossed her body.

Smiling at her, Mallix quickly got out and unbuckled his eager girl. With her on his hip, Lain walked around and grabbed a small bag they had packed from out of their trunk. Throwing it over her shoulder the small family made their way to the front door of a moderately sized well made home.

With its brick accents and marble complexion, Nina swung the door to her home open. "If it isn't my favorite people!" She said opening her arms towards them but seeing as Mallix had his arms full, she went in towards Lain only.

As she was embracing her best friend, the four of them heard a loud gasp over the laughter of the three other kids from in the house.

Joining by their side, Alex appeared. "That hurt." He looked towards Nina as she laughed in hysterics.

"Hey, I told you the same thing when you and Zander arrived ten minutes ago. Don't take it personal."

"Ouch, that burns!" Mallix said playfully making Kaila giggle as Nina chuckled at them.

"Oh stop that." She rolled her eyes at him. As her gaze came back into focus at the trio, Nina noticed Kaila's adorable look. Leaning close she pressed a gently kiss onto the girls forehead. "That's a cute outfit you've got there." She tugged at her footed feet softly.

Kaila blushed as she smiled. "Thanks."

"It's been a while since we've been here." Lain noted about the exterior design of the house. "You've really outdone yourself with the renovations."

"You know my mom doesn't mind it. She actually likes the marble theme I've got going on."

"I go play?!" Kaila wiggled in Mallix's arms as she heard her friends all laughing and playing from an upstairs room.

Nodding Mallix set her down as the others laughed as she disappeared swiftly up the carpeted stairs. "Where's my brother?" He asked.

"James is keeping the kids company while I make us dinner. But now that my final guest has arrived it's time for you three to go." She stood pointed out her door.

"You're seriously kicking us out N?" Alex asked.

"Yeah!" She looked serious. "I told you guys this is my first night with all of the kids alone. I want it to be special! I don't want you guys hovering over all of us. We've got this."

Sighing in defeat the others joined her as they regrouped back at the front door. "Here." Lain passed over Kaila's backpack. "If she needs anything you can look in there. I've got her an extra pair of clothes and some toys and snacks in case she wants them. Oh yeah and if she asks for Elie, she's in there as well." Turning to Mallix she rubbed her chin. "Am I forgetting something?"

"Her bottles and things are in there as well."

"That's right." She snapped her fingers looking at Nina.

"Thanks but I'm sure I'll be fine. The girls have enough things as it is, and they can always share." Turning to Alex she noted. "Don't worry about Zander. I made sure to get him his own things so he has them here too."

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