Chapter 14: Starting With A Bang

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Back at home Kaila had been racing to find a decent outfit. Her wardrobe was already very limited, but especially her formal attires since she rarely ever found herself in situations where she'd need one. Given her parents place in the world it was only on very special occasions when she'd need to dress up.

After some tough searching Kaila was stuck choosing between the two nicest outfits she had. And at that they still looked rather casual.

Not able to pick she frustratedly groaned and threw on one of the outfits and put the other back into her closet. As she finished getting dressed for the evening she heard her phone go off. "That definitely isn't mom or dad." She walked over to her phone that was lit up on her bed.

Looking at it she saw Nina had messaged her. "Be there in half an hour."

And with that Kaila rushed around the house trying to finish preparing in time. Quickly getting back into the bathroom to brush out her long blond hair Kaila left it down.

Once she was completely ready Kaila was packing herself a small bag of necessary items. By the time she found everything and shoved them into a small bag she looked at the nearby clock seeing it was nearly time to leave.

Kaila had already forgotten about this morning. She was just focused on how new and exhilarating all of this was to her. The last time she went out to spend time with people her age seemed like forever ago. Putting the final touches to her look Kaila heard her doorbell ring.

Grabbing her bag she made her way down the stairs and flung opened the door. When she saw what was awaiting her outside her entire jaw dropped.

"Surprise!" Nina squealed excitedly presenting the white limo waiting out on the side of the street for them.

"Woah!" Kaila couldn't help but just stare for another minute.

"You like it?"

The small girl didn't even have to think. She nodded her head furiously bouncing on the tips of her toes as she shut her house door. "Like it? I LOVE it! I've never even seen one of those in person before!"

"Good. See I told you I knew the best way to kick off senior year. Now shall we?" Nina smirked offering her arm.

"Yes please!" Kaila interweaved her arm around Nina's as they walked each other to their fancy ride. The closer Kaila got the more she could feel the ground below her shaking ever so slightly.

As soon as Kaila got inside she saw everyone else was already here dancing in their seats to the loud blaring music with colorful lights beaming around.

Mallix and Alex both wore nicely fitted tux's while Zander wore a collared polo and dress pants. Lain and Nina on the other hand both wore elegant dresses that showed just the right amount of skin. Kaila looked down at her own outfit feeling underdressed by her casual blouse and skirt.

Taking a seat besides Alex, Nina sandwiched her on the other side. "Now to the restaurant!" Nina threw her hands up shouting. Everyone cheered and within a matter of seconds the limo had taken off.

The ride was full of smiles. Nobody could even believe their eyes. "How'd you manage to afford this one N?" Zander asked as he found a hidden compartment between his seat and Mallix's filled with complementary snacks. The group laughed at how eager he was and shoved a few of them into his pockets for later.

Nina just raised her eyebrow. Everyone knew how she was able to afford it but when she didn't answer Kaila looked down feel left out. "I used my allowance." She winked telling the small girl to help ease her mind.

"You look cute Kay." Lain smiled from the other side of the limo leaning against Mallix's shoulder.

The girl blushed recalling back to her first interaction with the brunette. "Thanks. do you." She stuttered feeling embarrassed. Lain just sent her a sweet smile before getting back to her conversation with the boys.

"Were almost there." Nina announced as she peered out the tinted window. Everyone else looked outside trying to guess where they were heading.

Lain's eyes widened as she turned towards the girl who had a large smile on. "Nina no...are you did not."

"Oh but I did." She laughed as the limo came to a stop.

As the six friends stepped out, Kaila found herself in front of a restaurant she had never heard of before. "Amor Love?" She read the glowing red LED lights shining on top of the large brick building that looked enchanting as the sun began to drop behind them.

"Yup." Nina lead them towards the doors. Kaila could hear everyone gasping and whispering about their destination spot.

"You weren't kidding when you said we were going all out this year." Mallix smiled at her as he held the door open. One by one they filed inside the nice restaurant.

" you have a reservation?" A man at the front desk in a suit asked looking at the children confused.

"I've got this you guys have a seat." Nina walked away tending to the man while everyone else sat down in the waiting area. Kaila sat down first only to realize Lain and Mallix this time had surrounded her, while Zander happily took a seat besides Alex.

"Sorry did you guys want to sit together?" She asked standing up only for Lain to tug her back down.

"Stop apologizing for everything already. If we wanted to sit together we would've. We just wanted to sit by you. Is that a bad thing?"

Kaila shook her head. She really did like being around them and she had already admitted that fact to herself. "Have you been here before?" Mallix asked.

"No, I would never in a million years be able to afford eating somewhere like this. It seems too fancy." Kaila looked around getting glimpses of the expensive interior design.

"Well you'll be able to come here more often with us." The girl besides Kaila said.

"You guys don't have to do that. I don't know how I would ever be able to repay you."

"Who said anything about having to repay us? If we want to take you out to eat someplace then that's on us." Mallix comforted.

"How do you guys have so much money?" She laughed. It seemed like they were fortunate enough to do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted.

"Well my father runs his own company. So James and I are just lucky enough that we get a slim portion of it each."

"And my parents are both doctors so that's pretty self explanatory." Lain finished. "What do your parents do?"

"Um...well...they uh...they have their own small business too."

"What kind of business do they run? My dads always looking for partners."

"Oh, trust me it's nothing he'll want to be involved with."

"Are you sure?"

Kaila nodded tuning to see Nina walking back towards them. "They have our table ready. Let's go." She told them all before following the man who lead them up to the top deck of the restaurant. He stopped at a table isolated from anyone else with the view of the city around them with the sun was barely showing.

Everyone took their seats before opening the leather menu cover. Kaila was confused seeing the foreign dish names. After getting assistance from Lain, who sat besides her, she was able to understand her options. Once they all picked their meals and placed the order to their waiter they picked up conversation to help pass the time.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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